Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Free Day

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

This is probably only me thinking this way but I do consider the 29th of February as a free day. One that only comes around every four years should be something special indeed. So it is my free day. And it is even more special because it is a Wednesday, which means I only have to work at my job for the morning. Officially at noon I think I will start my free day. Now I know that God has already planned and purposed the day and yes He is directing so I haven't completely gone off the deep end just yet. But still the possibilities are endless.

So this being a free day I would like to start it off by spending a few moments with you. It is written: O Praise the Lord all ye nations; praise Him, all ye people. For His merciful kindness is great toward us; and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever. Praise ye the Lord. (Psalm 117).

Abba Father, thank You for Your merciful kindness, Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that Your Merciful Kindness would abound in her life. At her workplace, in her home, while she is commuting, while she is cooking, during her quiet time, and during her noisy time. Oh Lord, we are so blessed by thee with Your merciful kindness. In our world even the weather can be so unkind. But You oh Lord shower us with Your merciful kindness that we may be built up to run the race and finish well. May the day be a free day with You oh Lord and may You fill it with endless possibilities and may these possibilities be anointed with Your most blessed and merciful Kindness. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Oh, how Kind is our Abba Father,

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Secret Place

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I pray that all is well with you. As I pray that prayer I am 90% certain that on the outside it may not appear that way but on the inside is where I am hoping. The secret place where only You and the Lord reside. Oh how merciful the Lord is that He has given us a secret place to run into to. A strong tower.

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent and the theme of Lent is Retreating into the Wilderness with Jesus. I normally do not follow along with traditional practices, but I'm leaning toward retreating. Not so much into the wilderness but into the strong tower, the secret place.

I'm in need of some serious time with Jesus.

So whether you follow the traditional practices of Lent or not, I pray that you choose to seek the One who became the Passover Lamb. The One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

May this time in Your life be set aside with Jesus.

Abba Father, Praise and Glory unto thee our Sovereign Lord who delights over us.

Retreating into my Secret Place,

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Viewing of the Past

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

My sister-in-law has been visiting a few days and she brought along with her two dvds. The first being my husband's childhood memories and the second was his grandmother's 91st and 100th birthday celebrations. Both dvds were so wonderful to watch. The first one was listening to both my husband and his sister talk and share their memories about the event which was playing at the time. In some of the scenes there was agreement but in others there was disagreement. It was quite amusing to say the least. The second dvd was very special because of the grandmother, Nonie was her name. As we began to watch the first part of the video, her 91st birthday, my husband and I remarked, "little did we know then how important she would become in our lives". And the second segment was viewed with the fondest of memories. After we finished watching both, I realized that the first when viewed seemed to bring a little tension in the room between the siblings, but the second brought joy to all of us. Oh, how we laughed at some of the antics of our grandmother.

Thank you everyone for letting me share a little today.

I know that each of you also have memories of childhood years and other memories of loved ones special events whether it is birthdays or anniversaries or other occasions. If you do get the opportunity to look back I pray that the viewing of them brings laughter and joy.

Abba Father, how Priceless, how Precious is Your amazing Love. Oh, most Sovereign Lord precious reminders of Your Goodness and Kindness and Mercy is what I want to remember. I pray for each sweet and precious sister-in-Christ that as she dwells upon You that You would bring reminders into her life of just how precious she is to You and how You delight in her. Lord, I pray also that she see her past through Your eyes and live her today Trusting You alone and have no worry about her tomorrows. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Trusting In Him

Your friend and sister-in-Christ

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

One Step Forward Two Steps Back

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Have you ever been in a situation where you have walked away with the knowledge that you have taken one step forward but landed two steps back? Just a question, not needing a response, but needed to get that one out in the open so I could pen this post to all of you.

On Monday the weatherman reported that there was a disturbance coming our way and the winds were going to be very strong. What they didn't report was that it was two winds crashing into each other (my thoughts on the matter) and the result was a highly charged force causing damage. A big brush fire and fallen trees diverting traffic and causing evacuation and long delays.

I do not write this to alarm anyone, all is under control and things are being cleaned up and no lives were lost in the fire or the downed tree limbs.

Now putting the two thoughts together - Yesterday was a two steps back day - Yesterday was a day lived out for many here on the island including myself with disruptions and delays. Oh I am so glad - that day is gone.

Now it is today, A brand new day. With one step forward once again, I am remaining in His Presence. For only in His Presence am I able to say boldly and confidently - it is written: This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24) Unless I cling to the promise I will find that I am still living out my yesterday.

Abba Father, Praise You that You make every day brand new, another 24 hours which has never been lived before. Praise You that this day is anointed with Your Tender Mercies, oh what a Precious Gift You have given to each dear and precious sister-in-Christ. Lord I pray for each person who trusts in You for this day that Your Peace which passes all understanding would be her comfort, that Your Power would be her strength, that Your Provision would be her supply, and that Your Presence would surround her. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

The First Wednesday

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Since the beginning of the year, God has been pressing upon me that something was going to be happening in the month of February. So in trying to remain in His Presence I have titled this post "the first Wednesday". To go one step further He also let me know that this year was going to be a year of "walking by Faith alone". I was reminded of one of the Indiana Jones movies where the character has finally gone as far as he could and was out on a ledge with a bottomless chasm in front of him. He was to take a leap of faith, so with his right foot he stepped off into nothing. He landed on something firm, he could not believe what his senses were telling him. He backed up and bent down to toss some dirt across. It was then that he saw and with confidence walked across. Mine is just a tad bit different, I do not get to bend down and find something that reveals. I must take that step and walk forward not visibly seeing what lies ahead. Jesus is directing me and leading me. The reason this is my first Wednesday is God has been leading me up to the edge and now I must take that step into "living each day by Faith." Am I afraid? His response is, "Do not be afraid, I AM with you until the end of the age."

Abba Father, Praise thee, I worship thee. Thank you for this new beginning. Oh, most Sovereign Lord, Creator of all things, I come before Your throne of Grace and seek thy Face. I pray for each precious sister-in-Christ that today would be filled with the most tender of Mercies, and that the Holy Spirit would come and fill them with Your Power that transcends the visible and reveals the invisible. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Walking by Faith alone,