Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Viewing of the Past

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

My sister-in-law has been visiting a few days and she brought along with her two dvds. The first being my husband's childhood memories and the second was his grandmother's 91st and 100th birthday celebrations. Both dvds were so wonderful to watch. The first one was listening to both my husband and his sister talk and share their memories about the event which was playing at the time. In some of the scenes there was agreement but in others there was disagreement. It was quite amusing to say the least. The second dvd was very special because of the grandmother, Nonie was her name. As we began to watch the first part of the video, her 91st birthday, my husband and I remarked, "little did we know then how important she would become in our lives". And the second segment was viewed with the fondest of memories. After we finished watching both, I realized that the first when viewed seemed to bring a little tension in the room between the siblings, but the second brought joy to all of us. Oh, how we laughed at some of the antics of our grandmother.

Thank you everyone for letting me share a little today.

I know that each of you also have memories of childhood years and other memories of loved ones special events whether it is birthdays or anniversaries or other occasions. If you do get the opportunity to look back I pray that the viewing of them brings laughter and joy.

Abba Father, how Priceless, how Precious is Your amazing Love. Oh, most Sovereign Lord precious reminders of Your Goodness and Kindness and Mercy is what I want to remember. I pray for each sweet and precious sister-in-Christ that as she dwells upon You that You would bring reminders into her life of just how precious she is to You and how You delight in her. Lord, I pray also that she see her past through Your eyes and live her today Trusting You alone and have no worry about her tomorrows. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Trusting In Him

Your friend and sister-in-Christ


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