Wednesday, February 08, 2012

One Step Forward Two Steps Back

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Have you ever been in a situation where you have walked away with the knowledge that you have taken one step forward but landed two steps back? Just a question, not needing a response, but needed to get that one out in the open so I could pen this post to all of you.

On Monday the weatherman reported that there was a disturbance coming our way and the winds were going to be very strong. What they didn't report was that it was two winds crashing into each other (my thoughts on the matter) and the result was a highly charged force causing damage. A big brush fire and fallen trees diverting traffic and causing evacuation and long delays.

I do not write this to alarm anyone, all is under control and things are being cleaned up and no lives were lost in the fire or the downed tree limbs.

Now putting the two thoughts together - Yesterday was a two steps back day - Yesterday was a day lived out for many here on the island including myself with disruptions and delays. Oh I am so glad - that day is gone.

Now it is today, A brand new day. With one step forward once again, I am remaining in His Presence. For only in His Presence am I able to say boldly and confidently - it is written: This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24) Unless I cling to the promise I will find that I am still living out my yesterday.

Abba Father, Praise You that You make every day brand new, another 24 hours which has never been lived before. Praise You that this day is anointed with Your Tender Mercies, oh what a Precious Gift You have given to each dear and precious sister-in-Christ. Lord I pray for each person who trusts in You for this day that Your Peace which passes all understanding would be her comfort, that Your Power would be her strength, that Your Provision would be her supply, and that Your Presence would surround her. In Jesus Name, Amen.


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