Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I Already Know This

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

I will not have computer access on Wednesday so am posting this prayer on Tuesday. I had a conversation with my grandson yesterday which got me to thinking (or should I say pondering). He is attending a special tutoring session over the next few months to help him in his studies and when I questioned him about what he was learning he response was, "I try to tell them that I already know this." We talked a little more and this is what I began to ponder, conversation with the Lord when He is trying to tell me something - is my response, "I already know this!"

I pray not - there are spiritual truths that I must have repeated over and over again because the impact of it in my life and in the lives of those around me is Huge. I do not want to lay a guilt trip on myself either about my walking with the Lord so to me this is where prayer and especially the "Lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil" is so vitally important to me today.

Abba Father,

Thank You oh most Sovereign Lord that You direct our steps and is it not unto death but unto life. Thank You that You are our Heavenly Father who loves us passionately and completely. Lord I pray for these dear sisters-in-Christ today and for the days ahead that she be lead to green pastures, to the still waters, to the One who deserves all the Glory and Honor. May she be still during these turbulent times having the confidence that Her LORD is able and is Sovereign and He is Holy. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Awaiting His Triumphant Return,

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

WOW (Wonders of Wonders)

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

This past week and a half has been quite a blur for me as I have been quite sick with what has been diagnosed as the flu which went into secondary stages, a bacterial infection, which could be treated with antibiotics. I started taking those last Friday afternoon. The illness came on quite unexpected, early Monday morning of the 13th and refused to let up in its fury even slightly until taking the 2nd days worth of antibiotics. Not working all the week before I attempted to go to work on Monday. Well after going to the doctor for another reason and getting a blood test and tested for the swine flu I was once again exhausted and remained home yesterday. I write all this because in my miserable state I waited upon the Lord. In pain, feverish, chilled, coughing, unable to rest, and completely exhausted.

How is that possible? In my listless moments I read Ezekiel and Daniel. WOW (Wonders of Wonders) A must read for the faint of heart. A must read for the waiting upon the Lord times. A must read for those who are asking, seeking and knocking. GOD is Sovereign and as King Nebuchadnezzar professes, "How great are His signs And how mighty are His wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom And His dominion is from generation to generation." (Dan. 4:3)

Abba Father,
Oh most Sovereign Lord, Praise thee, may I never cease in my giving thanks for Your awesome goodness and mercy and lavish Love. Father God, I pray for each precious sister-in-Christ today and this week that whatever trial or blessing she encounters that she would lift her eyes toward heaven and "... praise, exalt and honor the King of heaven, for all His works are true and His ways just,..." (Dan. 4:37)

Awaiting His Triumphant Return,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Sound of Water

Greetings to my dear sisters-in-Christ,

I love the way water sounds. Each body of water, whether pond or lake, stream or river, bay or ocean. The ripple of the brook as it passes over the reeds, the roar of the surf as it pounds the shore. Yes, to sit by a slow moving river and just listen to it speaking as it meanders across the land. It is said that if the rocks could talk well mine is if the waters could talk. There are references in the bible and one in particular is found in Rev. 14:2, "And I heard a voice form heaven, as the voice of many waters,..." Yes many waters, all of them together - the pond, the lake, the stream, the river, the bay, and the ocean. Akaka Falls, Victoria Falls and Niagra Falls. What a voice that is going to be? This is our God who comes to us and whispers. May we always hold tight to the whispers for when the voice of many waters comes it will be deafening to all mankind.

Abba Father, thank You for Your Mercy and Gentleness, how marvelously You bestow it upon Your children. Lord God our Most Holy and Righteous Father I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ today and for the days ahead that she would find a quiet place where she may hear Your Whispers of Love and be filled up to the brim with Your Abundant Peace to be able to Boldly proclaim that her GOD is able. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Expectantly Awaiting His Return,

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Summer and Dust

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Can you believe that it is already July and well into summer with school out and picnics and rainstorms and bugs. Summer months was getting to stay up until it got dark and living in Montana as a child meant you got to stay up a long time. It would be 10:00 or 10:30 at night before the sky darkened enough for the stars to appear. Lately this is how my walking with my LORD is going. It is the summer - It is light enough.

I am reading a chapter of Proverbs a day and today is the eighth chapter - vs 26 so struck me. "While He had not yet made the earth and the fields, Nor the first dust of the world." Living here on the Big Island the dry side we have to make our own dirt - Before construction can begin - lava rock must be uprooted and laid aside and a BIG conveyor is brought in and the making of dirt begins. Making the lava rock into boulders, then rocks, then pebbles, then fine grains. I am so intrigued by this. And after reading vs 26 I am even more of awe of God. The first dust - and just think He probably did not have to first gather the lava rock.

For me today - may I have light enough to comprehend the First. For God created it all and sustains it all and preserves all things.

Abba Father, How Great Thou Art, How Great Thou Art. Praise and Glory and Honor and Power. LORD, I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ for her today's may she be OVERWHELMED by Your mercy and grace. May she be in AWE of You the Great I AM. Oh Lord as she walks through her day may she have enough of Your Light and may she desire to have a heart softened by You. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Awaiting His Triumphant Return,
Your dear sister-in-Christ

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

Today is the beginning of a calendar month July 1 - our pastor has suggested that this month should be a chapter of Proverbs read and ask God to bring me wisdom from another world (biblical world).

Saturday is July 4th and for the past few years we have celebrated a birthday. My grandmother, Nonie's birthday, she passed away on March 29th - she would have been 104 this Saturday. So to us July 4th had another significance. As others celebrated with parades and fireworks and giving thanks for the birth of a nation (America) we celebrated in the birth of our grandmother. This Saturday will be no exception. This year we are planning a memorial/birthday celebration for her at the place where she lived.

The 4th of July represented to us a celebration of life - and Nonie told us that when growing up she often wondered why other children did not get fireworks and parades on their birthdays. To her the 4th of July was her special day - because it was her birthday. So she saw it very differently - even as she got older and knew what July 4th stood for she still saw it through her eyes.

As I looked at the first Chapter of Proverbs and took note of what pastor was suggesting I can now understand (well, getting a glimpse). In past readings of Proverbs I underlined Chapter 1:7, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; ..." and vs 29, "... and did not choose the fear of the LORD".

Abba Father,

Thank You for our days oh LORD, thank You that You are Good. Oh LORD each day is significant to You, each child is significant to You for Your Love created all things and Your Love makes all things possible. LORD I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that this day and the days ahead she would see and understand and embrace Your WISDOM and ask of thee for Your WORD never fails, never forsakes and never stops. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Awaiting His Triumphant Return,