Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

Today is the beginning of a calendar month July 1 - our pastor has suggested that this month should be a chapter of Proverbs read and ask God to bring me wisdom from another world (biblical world).

Saturday is July 4th and for the past few years we have celebrated a birthday. My grandmother, Nonie's birthday, she passed away on March 29th - she would have been 104 this Saturday. So to us July 4th had another significance. As others celebrated with parades and fireworks and giving thanks for the birth of a nation (America) we celebrated in the birth of our grandmother. This Saturday will be no exception. This year we are planning a memorial/birthday celebration for her at the place where she lived.

The 4th of July represented to us a celebration of life - and Nonie told us that when growing up she often wondered why other children did not get fireworks and parades on their birthdays. To her the 4th of July was her special day - because it was her birthday. So she saw it very differently - even as she got older and knew what July 4th stood for she still saw it through her eyes.

As I looked at the first Chapter of Proverbs and took note of what pastor was suggesting I can now understand (well, getting a glimpse). In past readings of Proverbs I underlined Chapter 1:7, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; ..." and vs 29, "... and did not choose the fear of the LORD".

Abba Father,

Thank You for our days oh LORD, thank You that You are Good. Oh LORD each day is significant to You, each child is significant to You for Your Love created all things and Your Love makes all things possible. LORD I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that this day and the days ahead she would see and understand and embrace Your WISDOM and ask of thee for Your WORD never fails, never forsakes and never stops. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Awaiting His Triumphant Return,


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