Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Sound of Water

Greetings to my dear sisters-in-Christ,

I love the way water sounds. Each body of water, whether pond or lake, stream or river, bay or ocean. The ripple of the brook as it passes over the reeds, the roar of the surf as it pounds the shore. Yes, to sit by a slow moving river and just listen to it speaking as it meanders across the land. It is said that if the rocks could talk well mine is if the waters could talk. There are references in the bible and one in particular is found in Rev. 14:2, "And I heard a voice form heaven, as the voice of many waters,..." Yes many waters, all of them together - the pond, the lake, the stream, the river, the bay, and the ocean. Akaka Falls, Victoria Falls and Niagra Falls. What a voice that is going to be? This is our God who comes to us and whispers. May we always hold tight to the whispers for when the voice of many waters comes it will be deafening to all mankind.

Abba Father, thank You for Your Mercy and Gentleness, how marvelously You bestow it upon Your children. Lord God our Most Holy and Righteous Father I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ today and for the days ahead that she would find a quiet place where she may hear Your Whispers of Love and be filled up to the brim with Your Abundant Peace to be able to Boldly proclaim that her GOD is able. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Expectantly Awaiting His Return,


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