Thursday, May 31, 2007

Good Morning - I am having a ...

Greetings to my dear friends and sisters-in-Christ.

I missed the usual Wednesday morning prayer. I am visiting my oldest son and his family in Indiana. I am having a wonderful time, of course. But there is something else that I have having. An eye opening time to see and hear just how God is answering so many prayers for my son and his family. God is awesome and is faithful. As a mom, I want the very, very best for my child and yet find that what I most wanted was GOD to answer my prayers and HE is and HE is giving HIS all. I am being blessed and encouraged to see just HOW GLORIOUS and MIGHTY is our GOD.

The traveling to here was most exciting also. Thank you to all who prayed and continue to pray for our stay here.

Heavenly Father, most Glorious God, thank you that you fill us up to overflowing. That you keep us in the palm of your hand, that You take great delight in Your children. I know that I am only able to see with a dim view of what is but I thank you for what You have revealed and what you are revealing in my life. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ today that she would greet this morning and each day with a passion for You. In Christ Alone I place my TRUST. Lord I pray for a revelation of YOUR WORD to be poured into each heart, mind, and soul this day and this week. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Wednesday Morning Greetings - I'm off Island


Yikes!! I'm taking a little trip - yes, I'll be off Island for two weeks. Beginning tomorrow night my husband and I are off to see family and friends. Tremendously Excited about this part!! so why the Yikes in the beginning? Because I realize that I have begun to covet "MY ISLAND". I'm very protective of this Big Island. God has planted me here and even a little disturbance causes me to question whether or not He will keep me planted here. There I have placed the thought out of my mind and written it down. God is an awesome GOD who keeps us and delights in us and places us and plans and purposes our lives. Once again I'm running back to HIM and trusting. Lord God forgive my coveting and thank you for Your blessings (ALL OF THEM)

Heavenly Father, Abba, Almighty LORD, How Great Thou Art. Praise and Glory and Honor unto thy Name. Lord I thank you for each dear sister-in-Christ today. Lord God I pray that a passionate stirring will well up in the hearts and minds of these precious women and they would ask of thee, "Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto Thee" and You will answer, "I will guide thee with mine eye". In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Psalm 37

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

Another Wednesday is upon us, the middle of the week day and I find once again that I must come before our Great and Glorious King, our Heavenly Father, our most Sovereign Lord, to know what to write, to know what to pray because each one of you are in a place of either sorrow, pain, darkness, joy, hope, valley, or mountaintop, only God knows. He led me to Psalm 37. I started reading and realized that this is exactly how I am. Something comes up in my life and I immediately begin to FRET, WORRY, DWELL on all the things that could go wrong with my situation and it seems to turn to a crisis within a short time. Psalm 37:1 FRET not thyself. As I started to read Psalm 37, the Lord began to reveal to me that this is what I need to do in each and every thought and action. Dear sisters-in-Christ my prayer for you all this day and this week.

Heavenly Father, Abba, most Sovereign Lord I come before Your Holy Throne of Grace and ask in the Name of Jesus that Your Living Word would come alive in each life this day and this week and hearts would be passionately stirred to FRET not thyself, to TRUST in the LORD and do good, to DELIGHT thyself also in the LORD, COMMIT thy way unto the LORD, and REST in the LORD and WAIT patiently for HIM. Oh Lord God thank you that when each dear sister in Christ does this that Your Promises are: that she will dwell in the land and shall be fed, You shall give them the desires of thine heart, and You shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light and thy judgment as the noonday.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

My goal - My Vision

Greetings to the saints:

There were two scenes in the Walt Disney's film, ALADDIN, that have stuck in my memory bank. Probably because I have seen the movie so many times, not as many times as OverBoard or Princess Bride but then that's for another day. Anyway back to my story. The first is when the genie appears, not really my idea of what a genie should act and look like but he kind of grows on you after a while. I guess because he is purple!!! The genie stated what Aladdin could ask for and what was off limits.
The second was when the Princess encountered the slave boy, two times he asked of her, "Do you Trust Me". Often in my prayer time, these two scenes pop up. How?? When I ask God to do something - sometimes I pause and a thought goes through my mind - Lord if I ask will you grant it this time, will it be one of my three wishes and then after that no more and Lord do I TRUST You?? I have had numerous goals throughout my life and I'm sure to have more and more but goals are for the physical realm. I have had very few visions and I ask God for more to come for I know that a vision comes from the spiritual realm. Where God and I meet. Ah that I would never, never, tire of asking, seeking and knocking to know GOD. My vision: that all whom I love would find PEACE of GOD, a desire to KNOW HIM, to live for HIM, and to live eternally. How many times do I ask?? As long as I have breath. Do I TRUST HIM. Yes, because all the promises of GOD are Yes and Amen.

Heavenly Father, our Sovereign Lord who Loves us, Praise and Glory and Honor to thy Name. LORD, I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that in this day and in this week may she be blessed with an awesome vision to KNOW You more and more and more. May her heart burst each new morning with the knowledge that You are her GOD, may her mind be like the mind of Christ, may her whole being desire to be embraced by the most wonderful, glorious, beautiful and magnificent LORD of lords and KING of kings. Arise, my dear sisters-in-Christ, cast of the old and put on the new, for our most Sovereign Lord calls us righteous and holy. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dearest friend and sister-in-Christ

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Water - Water - Everywhere

Greetings to my dear sisters-in-Christ:

I have always enjoyed water. The sound of it. The taste of it. The feel of it. Because I grew up on the dry side of the State of Montana, it was hard for me to acclimate myself to the wetness of Washington State when we moved there for a few years. And now that I am in Hawaii the salt sea air is another adjustment entirely. And it is all the same (Water). Fresh stream water, rainfall water, lake water, and salty sea water. And Jesus is the Living Water - This month I want to be watered by Jesus. I want to feel His Presence, taste His Goodness, Hear His Voice and Be Soaked from the top of my head to the tips of my toes in Living Water. I hope that you would like to join me on the fabulous experience.

Heavenly Father, Abba LORD, thank you El Shaddai, that You are beckoning us to come this day, this hour into Your Presence and ask for the Living Water to enter into our lives. LORD I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day that her thoughts, her emotions, her words, and her actions would be taken to the Jesus, the Living Water. May her thoughts be pure, may her emotions be stilled, may her words be kind and may her actions glorify You. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ