Thursday, May 31, 2007

Good Morning - I am having a ...

Greetings to my dear friends and sisters-in-Christ.

I missed the usual Wednesday morning prayer. I am visiting my oldest son and his family in Indiana. I am having a wonderful time, of course. But there is something else that I have having. An eye opening time to see and hear just how God is answering so many prayers for my son and his family. God is awesome and is faithful. As a mom, I want the very, very best for my child and yet find that what I most wanted was GOD to answer my prayers and HE is and HE is giving HIS all. I am being blessed and encouraged to see just HOW GLORIOUS and MIGHTY is our GOD.

The traveling to here was most exciting also. Thank you to all who prayed and continue to pray for our stay here.

Heavenly Father, most Glorious God, thank you that you fill us up to overflowing. That you keep us in the palm of your hand, that You take great delight in Your children. I know that I am only able to see with a dim view of what is but I thank you for what You have revealed and what you are revealing in my life. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ today that she would greet this morning and each day with a passion for You. In Christ Alone I place my TRUST. Lord I pray for a revelation of YOUR WORD to be poured into each heart, mind, and soul this day and this week. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ.


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