Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Psalm 37

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

Another Wednesday is upon us, the middle of the week day and I find once again that I must come before our Great and Glorious King, our Heavenly Father, our most Sovereign Lord, to know what to write, to know what to pray because each one of you are in a place of either sorrow, pain, darkness, joy, hope, valley, or mountaintop, only God knows. He led me to Psalm 37. I started reading and realized that this is exactly how I am. Something comes up in my life and I immediately begin to FRET, WORRY, DWELL on all the things that could go wrong with my situation and it seems to turn to a crisis within a short time. Psalm 37:1 FRET not thyself. As I started to read Psalm 37, the Lord began to reveal to me that this is what I need to do in each and every thought and action. Dear sisters-in-Christ my prayer for you all this day and this week.

Heavenly Father, Abba, most Sovereign Lord I come before Your Holy Throne of Grace and ask in the Name of Jesus that Your Living Word would come alive in each life this day and this week and hearts would be passionately stirred to FRET not thyself, to TRUST in the LORD and do good, to DELIGHT thyself also in the LORD, COMMIT thy way unto the LORD, and REST in the LORD and WAIT patiently for HIM. Oh Lord God thank you that when each dear sister in Christ does this that Your Promises are: that she will dwell in the land and shall be fed, You shall give them the desires of thine heart, and You shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light and thy judgment as the noonday.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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