Wednesday, October 04, 2023

The Month of October

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Here we are once again into another month and I am experiencing for the first time what some people who live in an area where there are four seasons. My son texted me a couple days ago and asked, "How are you guys enjoying the gentle transition to Fall instead of the biting cold." It was then that I realized that all the previous states that I had lived in did not have all four seasons. How wonderful of our God that when He directs and guides you through your life there is ALWAYS new experiences, new discoveries, newness of just how glorious He is. Experiencing the season of Fall, where the leaves turn colors and the nights are soothing and the air is crisp and yet calm enough to sit on your back patio or porch swing or even take an evening walk. Yes, His handiwork is on display brilliantly and wonderfully, how can I not praise Him? His delights are breathtaking! He created ALL things and He still is creating new ideas, new beginnings, new experiences, new inspirations and so much more. What words can I use to express His beauty and His care and His love and His mercy that is so far reaching and above all our thoughts and ways. My prayer for this first Wednesday of the month of October - Abba Father, Praise to Thee, as each dear and precious sister-in-Christ walks into her day whether hurriedly or gently may it be a day where Your infinite and intimate Love abides in her heart. May You draw her close to You and embrace her with Your beauty and fragrance and as she looks upon her day may it be a sweet aroma of praises to You. In Jesus Name, Amen. Breathing In His Beauty,


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