Wednesday, August 16, 2023

I Have Missed You So Much

Greetings dear and Precious sisters-in-Christ, Here I am in a quaint city in the state of Ohio - getting here can be summed up with these words, "you are on the path of My choosing" these were the words that were written in the devotional, He Walks With Me," by Carol Kent. Copyright date 2021. And yet He planned and purposed that I would read them on May 16th. These past few months have indeed been challenging and without the LORD... an impossible thought! He has gifted me with so many ways to thank Him, Praise Him, Cry out to Him, Cling to Him, and TRUST for He is in Control and there is nothing that will be able to snatch me from His Loving embrace. I know that I am not alone for so much has happened in your lives that I have not been able to share or pray about with you. Let us come to the table and feast on His provision and after we have been fed let us join in the celebration and unwrap the gifts that the LORD has rained down on us. He is in our midst and ever present and His Peace continually flows through us. Let us pray - Father, Abba Father Thank You this day and we praise you for you are our Sustainer and Protector and Shield and Shepherd. May Your Will be done in our lives and may we lean not on our own understanding but seek You first in ALL things. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that this day be a glorious day for You say to her, "you are on the path of My choosing". In Jesus Name, Amen. What a pleasant path He has chosen for me!


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