Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Trusting, Resting and Waiting

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Surprise! Yes, it is me and due to circumstances beyond my control I am able to end the month of June with you. Thank you to all who have been praying for us as we are in the process of trusting and resting and waiting. Three action words! Yes, they are action words for all three words that require PATIENCE. Especially resting and waiting. This past Friday and Saturday was the garage sale and it was supposed to rain both days. So offering up a prayer that the Lord would stay the rain we set up the things to be sold. The clouds circled around, the air smelled like rain, and the air was misty indicating that indeed it was clearly a certainty. A gentleman stated, "it smells like rain", my response to him was, "Not going to happen. I asked God to stay the rain and you will know if He answered my prayer for God's ways are higher than mine and God's thoughts are higher than mine." He walked away so I don't really know if he gave it a second thought. But God... both days were beautiful days. The Lord is so good and kind and gentle. The Lord is... I know that you have your words and situations to complete the sentence. Thank you all for praying for our safety and health and travels and finding a new home. I am so grateful for your prayers for God is answering them in the most amazing of ways. Let us pray - Abba Father, our Great Shepherd. Praise to Thee! Lord, I ask for Your Amazing Grace to be poured into and onto each dear and precious sister-in-Christ and may her focus be completely and utterly upon JESUS while she is trusting and resting and waiting. In Jesus Name, Amen. Blessings upon blessings,


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