Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Continuously - Constantly

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, It is official - we are now residents of Ohio! This makes it the 4th state where I have been a resident and three times in one state. The first was where I was born - Montana, then California, next Washington, then Montana, then Hawaii, then Montana and now Ohio. I'm thinking the Lord is continuously and constantly keeping me no matter which state I reside. These two words have been in my prayers - continuously: uncessing; constantly: ALWAYS, all the time. It is so very hard for me to fathom this kind of love for me that He is continuously and constantly in my space. And whatever state (geographically) or state (mentally) I am currently living in He already prepared and knows the beginning and the end. My final destination is heaven but in the meantime He plans and purposes each day so that my dependency must be on Him alone. I didn't think I was a nomad, but God and His plans are wondrous. And He indeed has a sense of humor - yesterday while trying to get my drivers license I thought I had brought the appropriate papers - well think again. My birth certificate had my maiden name and I needed my marriage license, yes 53 years of marriage BUT they needed a paper trail of how my name was changed. I had to laugh - but I found it and now I have a Ohio drivers license. God is Good, Faithful and Forever. Let us pray - Abba Father, our Good and Faithful God, our Glorious and Righteous Creator, Praise to thee and thank you that You are continuously and constantly holding us and keeping us. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as she walks into this day You are on her mind and she knows You are in her space. Anoint her with Your healing balm, comfort her with Your peace, and ignite her to be Joyful in ALL things. In Jesus Name, Amen. Thankful He is in my space,


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