Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Value of Things

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Starting tomorrow morning I will be waiting for people to come and look at what we have for sale. It is the annual Community Garage Sale and this is my first time doing this. The last garage sale I had was in June when we were getting ready to move and knew that much of our stuff would have to not make the trip. There was a lot of stuff that we had and when it was all done I was satisfied with what had gone and what needed to come along for our next adventure. Little did we know that the house we bought was smaller and we needed to downsize more. The first time was hard because we hoped we would get a decent price (our standards) and when it went for a lot less... that is when our value was dramatically and drastically altered. At least I am going into it this time a little more prepared! Aren't you glad that we are highly favored and we are most valued by our Heavenly Father? Isn't it good news to know that when we are focused on the one who created us that we do not lose our value in His eyes. In fact, as time passes He doesn't change at ALL. So when we first opened our eyes and heart to understand His Grace given by receiving Jesus Christ, His Son, as our Lord the value was unlimited. Even when we try to discard or store in a box or decide not to dwell upon our very existence being in Him, he is there to remind you of just how valued you are. There is a saying, "one man's trash is another man's treasure", so taking it one step farther, "God's Grace Extended is our treasure." Let us pray - Abba Father, we come before Your throne of Grace and with hands lifted high - worship You for Who You are and for Your Love towards us. We then bow down before thee and injubilent hearts praise You for creating us and molding us and directing us and guiding us each day. May each dear and precious sister-in-Christ look to You and see how valued she is. In Jesus Name, Amen. Blessings upon all of you,


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