Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Why Complicate Things

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Life has a way of complicating things going on if you allow the circumstance or situation or thought to cross-over the line. My introduction to how my life has been lately. In this move across the country we encountered so many new things to consider - the major is ALL the people! I'm so glad the Lord placed us in a quaint little town that has a population count of 1,470. Yes, there are surrounding communities within 8-10 miles that have more services but this quaint - definition: picturesque, charming - is the perfect way to describe it. Before we found this house located in this area we stayed with our son for a month in a much larger city that was bustling and always something going on. Now don't get me wrong about my thoughts on a bigger city but it was a BIG change and now the new things of this new season of my life are pleasant. My life is filled with pleasantness - definition: enjoyable, friendly - the neighbors, the neighborhoods, the park, the local store, the coffee shop, the library, the schools, and even the trains that routinely run through the town have a certain aspect that emulates pleasantness. Sometimes a situation arises and in order to complete the task at hand I come up with plan A or plan B scenarios which complicates things. So this morning I am asking "why complicate things" when the Lord has planned and purposed your life and where He has planted you or even the path He has chosen for you is pleasant. A couple of weeks ago, during my quiet time with the Lord, He showed me the path and that path consisted of walking stones, I called them Faith stones for when I am walking on the path of life I need direction and guidance and when I step out in faith the stone lights up to reveal scripture and builds me up to keep going. My faith steps thus far are: Romans 8:28, 1 Corinthians 10:13, James 4:10, and Isaiah 64:4. I am certain that God has also given you faith stones (steps) that He lights up (inspires and quickens and encourages) when You walk with Him. So why complicate things when His Timing and Will are so perfect and tailored just for you. Let us pray - Abba Father, ALL praise and honor to Thee, how great is Your Glory and Goodness. Thank You for creating us, for gifting us, for directing our way, and for saving us for ALL eternity. Father I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as she steps out in faith that the enemies fiery darts will fall so short and that this dear and precious sister-in-Christ would be buffeted from complicated things and see the pleasantness of her life. In Jesus Name, Amen. Enjoying the pleasant things,


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