Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Trusting, Resting and Waiting

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Surprise! Yes, it is me and due to circumstances beyond my control I am able to end the month of June with you. Thank you to all who have been praying for us as we are in the process of trusting and resting and waiting. Three action words! Yes, they are action words for all three words that require PATIENCE. Especially resting and waiting. This past Friday and Saturday was the garage sale and it was supposed to rain both days. So offering up a prayer that the Lord would stay the rain we set up the things to be sold. The clouds circled around, the air smelled like rain, and the air was misty indicating that indeed it was clearly a certainty. A gentleman stated, "it smells like rain", my response to him was, "Not going to happen. I asked God to stay the rain and you will know if He answered my prayer for God's ways are higher than mine and God's thoughts are higher than mine." He walked away so I don't really know if he gave it a second thought. But God... both days were beautiful days. The Lord is so good and kind and gentle. The Lord is... I know that you have your words and situations to complete the sentence. Thank you all for praying for our safety and health and travels and finding a new home. I am so grateful for your prayers for God is answering them in the most amazing of ways. Let us pray - Abba Father, our Great Shepherd. Praise to Thee! Lord, I ask for Your Amazing Grace to be poured into and onto each dear and precious sister-in-Christ and may her focus be completely and utterly upon JESUS while she is trusting and resting and waiting. In Jesus Name, Amen. Blessings upon blessings,

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

A New Start

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, A new start! It's true I am getting a new start at living life to its fullest and learning to trust in a way that I have never had to before and life indeed has become an adventure. And unlike our move from Montana to Hawaii my husband and I are 20+ years older. Aww, what is a few years to the Lord, right? Actually, it is just another day to the Lord but for me I have become totally and utterly dependent on HIM. In order to dispel the doubt and anxieties that come with that doubt I find myself saying, "thank You, Abba Father", and then I smile and walk into the situation knowing that He has already prepared, purposed and ALL is well with my soul. When I start to become a tigger and run amuck, (many of you can visualize me doing this) I need to "just breathe" and remember that the breath that I just took is because He is faithful and created me and loves me and so much more. I'm saying all this to let you know that I will be on the road and sleeping in different places and living out of a suitcase for several days, maybe a couple of weeks, and until we find a new home my email prayers will stop. This does not mean that I will stop praying on every Wednesday for I know and trust that the Lord keeps us linked together through His Spirit and we are never apart. I will miss all of you terribly while I am living "a new start". If you have any prayer needs just send me an email and I will respond as quickly as I can but for now let us pray - Abba Father, most Holy and Righteous Lord, thank You that this fleshly life is only temporary and this time when communication is limited help us to remember that it is not with You. You have ALL of us and You will have ALL of us until our last breath or until Jesus comes back again. Lord, You know how much we long for face-to-face encounters but sometimes it is not possible. BUT GOD... all things are possible with You so Lord watch over and keep my dear and precious sisters-in-Christ. May You embrace each one and hug them tight and shield them from the evil one and provide for their every need and lavish each one with Your Amazing Love. May they have a peace beyond measure, an abundant Joy and a Hope that carries them through every storm in life. In Jesus Name, Amen. Beginning a new adventure,

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The Potter's Hands

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, In the midst of moving the clutter and messiness seems to be distracting from what needs to be accomplished each day, BUT... a little bit each day eases the mountain of impossibilities. Yes, we see it as impossibilities and yet what resonates in my mind as I survey the clutter is just how miraculous my Lord is! First, His provision, the things I have treasured thus far, He provided! Second, there is "a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away," (Ecclesiastes 3:6). Third, He has planned and purposed my life and yours as well and since He is the Potter and we the lump of clay, once again I am on the Potter's wheel being shaped and molded and in the Potter's hands. He alone has set me on this path! It is an adventure - definition: an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity. Indeed to me it is exciting, and seems a hazardous experience or activity because I haven't been here before, BUT... He has and is and will continue until my final days. Fourth, and final, "Proverbs 3:3-4, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and He will make straight your paths." Let us pray - Abba Father, All praise and honor and thanksgiving and with all humility, I worship You. LORD I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that the days of her adventurous life will be filled with miraculous moments where Your Presence is enough and fills her up to overflowing with Joy, Peace, Hope and above all else the Love that abides deep within their hearts purifying and renewing and refreshing them as they walk the path of Faith. In Jesus Name, Amen. Being embraced by the Potter's hands,

Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Wants and Needs

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Yesterday I had a very important learning experience, the difference between wants and needs. Phil. 4:19 says, "And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus." The day before I had prayed over a situation and asked for the Lord's favor concerning the matter. And the answer from God was different than what I had expected. I realized that indeed His favor was upon me and the answer was what I needed. Was I disappointed in the answer? Yes, at first I was but then a calmness came over me and I realized that it was what I needed. I thanked the Lord for His provision and once again remembered that His ways are higher than mine and His thoughts are higher than mine. God is indeed Good and All things are possible. I also did a couple of things that took me out of my comfort zone, like way out, and still He guided and directed and blessed me through them. Let us pray - Abba Father, our Lord who gifts us with so much. Thank You Father for Your rich blessings and Your gifts that You give us each and every day of our lives. Lord, I pray that Your Goodness and Mercy would flow like a rushing river, like a BIG WAVE, like a waterfall, like a drenching rain over each dear and precious sister-in-Christ and that she would learn that being in Your Will and Your timing is the best place to receive all her needs and may they be abundant. In Jesus Name, Amen. Wanting His Needs,