Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Voice of the Lord - Psalm 29

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, This being the last Wednesday of my September journey, I would like to share some of the highlights of my journey. My journaling notes - first day, Grace and fellowship; day 5, Joy is a choice; day 9, your prayers are not cries in the dark; day 12, your days are in My hands; day 22, I know even the number of hairs on your head; and day 29, the voice of the Lord is... Psalm 29. It has been an exciting and interesting journey, taking the time and expanding my moments with Him and being aware of His Presence in different ways. I hope and pray that your 29 days minus one, of September 2021 have been as wondrous as mine and if not I pray that your days ahead will be filled with Joy. Setting aside time is so very hard that is why I started a few years back to dedicate a month to focus on Him and Him alone. His voice is wondrous and beautiful and majestic and powerful. The weather is nice enough on some days that I sit on the bench beside our little creek and listen to the sound of the water as it flows and when we lived in Hawaii sitting on the beach, with eyes closed, listening as the waves flowed and ebbed. Yes His Voice is... Let us pray - Abba Father, Your Voice, whether thunderous or melodic is something that I long for and thank You Lord that it is Your Voice that soothes, erupts, creates, conquers, and strengthens us every day. Lord, I pray that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ would hear Your Voice whispering into her life. In Jesus Name, Amen. Do You Hear the Voice of the Lord?

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Please Provide Your Password

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, I was sorting through some paperwork yesterday and discovered that I had written on pieces of paper "new" passwords that I had assigned to some of my accounts because I had forgotten the original password. As you well know that in the beginning and for your safety having a device or an important account, "password protected" was/is a must, but what is the password for getting to the heart of God? Chapter three verse 3 Jesus answered to Nicodemus, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." And verse 16 of the same chapter, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Yes, the Name of Jesus is our password. A password like none other, easy to remember, right but for some reason it is not long enough or doesn't have a numerical or special character embedded in it, but what does that matter to the LORD. The world complicates everything whereas the Lord keeps it simple. No added symbols, special characters, or numbers, just JESUS. Jesus also stated in verse 29 of chapter 6, "This is the work of God, that ye believe on Him whom He hath sent." Simple and pure and divine, and that is what we need right now. The simplicity and the purity and the divinity of Jesus Christ. So my dear and precious sisters-in-Christ let us come before the throne of God and pray: Abba Father, thank You that our password is Jesus, Your Son, who died on the Cross and has given us security, access and so much more than we can ever imagine or think. Lord that when we believe in Him we will NOT perish but have Eternal Life. Jesus may all my life, my accounts, my dreams, my wants, my needs, my Joy, my Hope, and even my very breath are secure because I believe. May the Lord richly and intimately give you a peace and a joy and a hope that our lives are simple and pure and divine for we know the password. In Jesus Name, Amen. In the Name of Jesus,

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Asking For Help

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, The weather forecast for today is "windy" and living where I do that means at least 25 mph, gusting to 40 mph. And since we are experiencing a mild fall, the trees are still very green in color, so these winds will not be a problem for them. Talking about wind in Acts 2 verse 2 which reads, "And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting." Have any of you experienced this sound? And if you have, does this sound come with no movement?Just thinking out loud. For many of you my thinking out loud sometimes leads to ramblings so on that thought - the Holy Spirit, it is likened to the wind, and the bodily form of a dove (Luke 3:22). The Holy Spirit came upon them with the noise like a violent rushing wind and upon Jesus in the bodily form of a dove. The Holy Spirit is not so easily defined in the world but for those who believe in Jesus know that the Holy Spirit is the "Spirit of truth", and Jesus introduced him as, "the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you." The Holy Spirit, likened to the noise of the violent rushing wind and the bodily form of a dove, however you try to envision, is our Helper. A helper who teaches us ALL things, that is a lot of things! How BIG is our God who is the great I AM? Dear and precious sisters-in-Christ call upon your Helper. He is your teacher and He will bring to your remembrance ALL that Jesus said to you. Yes we desperately need to have Him every day and as a reminder each time you feel the wind blowing in your face or when you see a dove these can be examples of asking for Help because the Lord knows your heart and you so intimately, better than you. Let us pray - Abba Father, thank You that You have never left us and that You gave us a Helper. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she would be still and know and in doing this very thing she would also ask for Help. The Help that only the Holy Spirit can accomplish in her life. In Jesus Name, Amen. Asking for Help,

Wednesday, September 08, 2021

A New Dawn And A New Day

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, With folded hands and whispered words offered up to the Lord I come before you this morning. I don't take the words "greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ" lightly, for each Wednesday is indeed very precious to me and the time I spend with ALL of you is treasured time. I know that only the Lord has the words of comfort or love or direction or hope that is whispered into each heart as He provides the stories which I pen each Wednesday. Today as the sun was rising it was a new dawn and a new day. A day filled with new experiences, new ideas, new inspirations, and new mercies. Yes, new mercies, only the Lord knows what is going to happen in your next breath or your next heart beat. On Sunday afternoon my brother and I, along with my mom, went to an event together, since my mother has moderate to severe dementia, she views her moments differently than me. As we exit the event she states, "That was so nice, I have never seen anything like that before." My brother and I look at each other and smile. The reason we smile is because to our mom every moment is new to her. How is this possible? How do we come to grips with her reality? Some days are harder than others but I still hold fast to the fact that her reality is closer to eternity than mine. I too need to enjoy each moment, each heartbeat, each breath as if it is a blade of grass which withers ever so quickly. Abba Father, Praise and Honor and Glory, may each dear and precious sister-in-Christ hold fast to the Truth that You are her Savior and Shepherd and Master Gardener and Potter and Strong Tower and Rock and Strength and Power and Healer. O Lord embrace each one today and direct their steps as they walk through their day. A day filled with Your Blessings and Tender Mercies. In Jesus Name, Amen. Taking one step at a time,

Wednesday, September 01, 2021

My September Journey

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Yes, a new month and its first day starts on a Wednesday and even better being the month of September I have the honor of sharing with you ALL my first day of my September journey. A thirty days of leaning, learning, loving, laughing and losing myself in trusting the eternal. Yes, Lord each day, in this month of September, we will journey together. I would invite you to come along with me. Several years back a dear friend of mine used to have a word that the Lord would give her at the beginning of the year and as she did her devotionals throughout the year, when this word appeared she would stop and dwell upon the word asking the Lord to give her insight, wisdom, understanding, or discernment on how it applied to her life. For this month of September my "word" is "surrender". Since it is my first day, I am just getting ready! How about you? Maybe this word that the Lord has given me is not the word He wants to give you, but He will give you a word if you ask. Abba Father, Thank You that You give us so many blessings, so many days, so many everything, that if we stopped to consider, we would surely not have enough time to ever know it ALL. Only You most glorious Lord have ALL! The very beginning until the very end of our life here on earth and then for ALL eternity. LORD, I pray that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ, would ask today and in the asking she would receive Your timeless and precious Truth and it would seep into her mind, body, and soul. In Jesus Name, Amen. Beginning my September journey,