Wednesday, September 08, 2021

A New Dawn And A New Day

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, With folded hands and whispered words offered up to the Lord I come before you this morning. I don't take the words "greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ" lightly, for each Wednesday is indeed very precious to me and the time I spend with ALL of you is treasured time. I know that only the Lord has the words of comfort or love or direction or hope that is whispered into each heart as He provides the stories which I pen each Wednesday. Today as the sun was rising it was a new dawn and a new day. A day filled with new experiences, new ideas, new inspirations, and new mercies. Yes, new mercies, only the Lord knows what is going to happen in your next breath or your next heart beat. On Sunday afternoon my brother and I, along with my mom, went to an event together, since my mother has moderate to severe dementia, she views her moments differently than me. As we exit the event she states, "That was so nice, I have never seen anything like that before." My brother and I look at each other and smile. The reason we smile is because to our mom every moment is new to her. How is this possible? How do we come to grips with her reality? Some days are harder than others but I still hold fast to the fact that her reality is closer to eternity than mine. I too need to enjoy each moment, each heartbeat, each breath as if it is a blade of grass which withers ever so quickly. Abba Father, Praise and Honor and Glory, may each dear and precious sister-in-Christ hold fast to the Truth that You are her Savior and Shepherd and Master Gardener and Potter and Strong Tower and Rock and Strength and Power and Healer. O Lord embrace each one today and direct their steps as they walk through their day. A day filled with Your Blessings and Tender Mercies. In Jesus Name, Amen. Taking one step at a time,


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