Wednesday, September 01, 2021

My September Journey

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Yes, a new month and its first day starts on a Wednesday and even better being the month of September I have the honor of sharing with you ALL my first day of my September journey. A thirty days of leaning, learning, loving, laughing and losing myself in trusting the eternal. Yes, Lord each day, in this month of September, we will journey together. I would invite you to come along with me. Several years back a dear friend of mine used to have a word that the Lord would give her at the beginning of the year and as she did her devotionals throughout the year, when this word appeared she would stop and dwell upon the word asking the Lord to give her insight, wisdom, understanding, or discernment on how it applied to her life. For this month of September my "word" is "surrender". Since it is my first day, I am just getting ready! How about you? Maybe this word that the Lord has given me is not the word He wants to give you, but He will give you a word if you ask. Abba Father, Thank You that You give us so many blessings, so many days, so many everything, that if we stopped to consider, we would surely not have enough time to ever know it ALL. Only You most glorious Lord have ALL! The very beginning until the very end of our life here on earth and then for ALL eternity. LORD, I pray that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ, would ask today and in the asking she would receive Your timeless and precious Truth and it would seep into her mind, body, and soul. In Jesus Name, Amen. Beginning my September journey,


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