Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Voice of the Lord - Psalm 29

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, This being the last Wednesday of my September journey, I would like to share some of the highlights of my journey. My journaling notes - first day, Grace and fellowship; day 5, Joy is a choice; day 9, your prayers are not cries in the dark; day 12, your days are in My hands; day 22, I know even the number of hairs on your head; and day 29, the voice of the Lord is... Psalm 29. It has been an exciting and interesting journey, taking the time and expanding my moments with Him and being aware of His Presence in different ways. I hope and pray that your 29 days minus one, of September 2021 have been as wondrous as mine and if not I pray that your days ahead will be filled with Joy. Setting aside time is so very hard that is why I started a few years back to dedicate a month to focus on Him and Him alone. His voice is wondrous and beautiful and majestic and powerful. The weather is nice enough on some days that I sit on the bench beside our little creek and listen to the sound of the water as it flows and when we lived in Hawaii sitting on the beach, with eyes closed, listening as the waves flowed and ebbed. Yes His Voice is... Let us pray - Abba Father, Your Voice, whether thunderous or melodic is something that I long for and thank You Lord that it is Your Voice that soothes, erupts, creates, conquers, and strengthens us every day. Lord, I pray that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ would hear Your Voice whispering into her life. In Jesus Name, Amen. Do You Hear the Voice of the Lord?


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