Wednesday, June 30, 2021

God Thoughts for the Month of June

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, It is the last day of June 2021 and thought I would share some God Thoughts with you. I have a white board mounted on my wall which I used to use to list my "to do" items. But instead it became my God Thoughts. I use two devotionals in the morning that help me greatly in my morning quiet times. The first is "In Touch", a monthly guide published by In Touch Ministries and the second is"Jesus Always Embracing Joy in His Presence" by Sarah Young. The God Thoughts come from readings that catch my attention and draw my thirsty mornings into a closer walk with the Lord. June 3, I invite you to gaze upon My beauty and to seek Me (more and more) June 5, Time is a most valuable commodity! It is irreversible and irreplaceable. June 13, Bible is the Foundation of Encouragement June 17, Dance with Me, beloved! Follow My lead, as I guide you gracefully through this life June 28, EVERYTHING you have is a GIFT from Me, including each breath you breathe. June 29, For the Joy of the LORD is your strength. Yes, each day I need to be reminded that He still invites, His Timing is irreversible and irreplaceable, the Word encourages, He loves to dance, our very breath that we breathe is a gift from Him and my strength is found only in the Joy of the Lord. Dear and Precious ones, let us come together and pray, not only today and for each and every day of our lives - Abba Father, Thank You for our everything, for our breaths, thank you for Your invitations to gaze and dance and follow and thank You for Your Joy which is our Strength to be able to live each day. Lord, I pray that Your Presence would go before us and that we would be daily reminded of Your tender mercies for they are new every morning. May we embrace the day and take a Deep Breath You have given and just Breathe. In Jesus Name, Amen. Taking A Deep Breath,

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Picnic Baskets

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, I was talking with my brother yesterday and we were remembering the times we (family and extened family members) all got together and went on a picnic in the mountains. The times of gathering the bikes, and the horshshoes and the other toys to play with when we went on our family picnics. There were no picnic baskets however, just tupperware containers and sacks full of salads and chips and lots and lots of kool aid. My dad was big brother to his other 6 siblings and during several years while growing up we all went together - usually totally around 36 over the years we gathered. What was special for my brother and I was the getting together and spending the whole day (well it seemed like a whole day to us at the time) together just being content. Yes, remembering - there is an account in the bible about a special time when picnic baskets full of fish and bread were given to Jesus to bless and then distributed to the crowd gathered. Five thousand were fed and after they were satisfied there were still 12 baskets left over. Yes that is our God, He has picnic baskets filled with enough to satisfy the hunger of thousands and He wants to satisfy your hunger also. My prayer - Abba Father, Praise Thee and thank Thee for Your overwhelming LOVE and GOODNESS and GRACE. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that her life would/will/will be filled to overflowing with the Bread of Life. What she sees in abundance every day is Your deep abiding LOVE, your sweet and abounding GOODNESS and Your rich GRACE. Lord may she witness throughout her day how ALL these have been blessed by You. In Jesus Name, Amen. Satisfied,

Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Hope Doesn't Disappoint - Romans 5:5

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Tuesday's are mom's day, a tradition that started at the end of January due to her dementia. She needed help with showering and laundry so it was decided that once a week on Tuesday I would spend a few hours with mom. It is still not a routine for her yet so I try various ways of getting her into the shower. The morning of I pray that God will give me the strength to show mom how much she is loved. You may be asking yourself what does this have to do with Romans 5:5? "and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us." Yes, God loves us this much! His love poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit - when I ask Him for His favor and His strength to be with me on Tuesdays - I know He has heard my plea and in Faith I go to mom's house and attend to her and even in the midst of the stress for her and me God's love is poured out and we are blessed. We laugh together and the time spent with her, for me, is the reason I have hope for indeed hope doesn't disappoint! Abba Father, Praise and Glory and Honor we lift up our hands and hearts in worship for You have poured within our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Lord thank You for Hope that doesn't disappoint. Praise You for moments when we know that it is Your Love that is giving us the strength and it is Your Favor upon us that helps us to be a person who Loves in the midst of the stress, who loves in the midst of disappointments, and who loves eternally. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that each day Your Favor and Your Strength would abound and also the hope she has when she asks and seeks and knocks will not disappoint. In Jesus Name, Amen. HOPE,

Wednesday, June 02, 2021

The Month of June

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Welcome to the month of June and where I am living the lilacs are in bloom! The fragrance that fills the air is sweet and beautiful to my senses. The color of different shades of purple makes me happy too! There is something about color and fragrance that draws me into a feeling of "it is going to be alright". I think for me it has to be color and fragrance because I have always had stomach issues so taste is defintely not one of my "go to" for finding a little contentment in my life. Unless it is the Bread of Life! This year there are very few lilacs blooming because of a big winter storm that nipped the buds. How about you? Has there been something in your life that has caused those things that were in abundance, were nipped by an unexpected storm in your life? If so, may you walk through the month of June expecting to find those few blooms, those few moments, those few colors, those few sounds and yes even those few flavors that will cause your heart to pound, your eyes to sparkle, your lips to curl up and giggles begin to erupt, your ears to hear the most beautiful sounds, and your mind to be inspired. Yes dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, my prayer for today - Abba Father, most Glorious and Magnificent God, Praise to thee for You, the one true God who created us and is GOOD. Lord, may Your Presence satisfy each one in ALL things and in ALL ways. Lord, You alone fill up ALL of our senses and Your forever LOVE and Faithfulness towards us is indescribable, unimaginable, and eternal. Lord, bless each one today with Your Presence. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen. Seeking That Which Satisfies,