Wednesday, June 02, 2021

The Month of June

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Welcome to the month of June and where I am living the lilacs are in bloom! The fragrance that fills the air is sweet and beautiful to my senses. The color of different shades of purple makes me happy too! There is something about color and fragrance that draws me into a feeling of "it is going to be alright". I think for me it has to be color and fragrance because I have always had stomach issues so taste is defintely not one of my "go to" for finding a little contentment in my life. Unless it is the Bread of Life! This year there are very few lilacs blooming because of a big winter storm that nipped the buds. How about you? Has there been something in your life that has caused those things that were in abundance, were nipped by an unexpected storm in your life? If so, may you walk through the month of June expecting to find those few blooms, those few moments, those few colors, those few sounds and yes even those few flavors that will cause your heart to pound, your eyes to sparkle, your lips to curl up and giggles begin to erupt, your ears to hear the most beautiful sounds, and your mind to be inspired. Yes dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, my prayer for today - Abba Father, most Glorious and Magnificent God, Praise to thee for You, the one true God who created us and is GOOD. Lord, may Your Presence satisfy each one in ALL things and in ALL ways. Lord, You alone fill up ALL of our senses and Your forever LOVE and Faithfulness towards us is indescribable, unimaginable, and eternal. Lord, bless each one today with Your Presence. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen. Seeking That Which Satisfies,


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