Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Picnic Baskets

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, I was talking with my brother yesterday and we were remembering the times we (family and extened family members) all got together and went on a picnic in the mountains. The times of gathering the bikes, and the horshshoes and the other toys to play with when we went on our family picnics. There were no picnic baskets however, just tupperware containers and sacks full of salads and chips and lots and lots of kool aid. My dad was big brother to his other 6 siblings and during several years while growing up we all went together - usually totally around 36 over the years we gathered. What was special for my brother and I was the getting together and spending the whole day (well it seemed like a whole day to us at the time) together just being content. Yes, remembering - there is an account in the bible about a special time when picnic baskets full of fish and bread were given to Jesus to bless and then distributed to the crowd gathered. Five thousand were fed and after they were satisfied there were still 12 baskets left over. Yes that is our God, He has picnic baskets filled with enough to satisfy the hunger of thousands and He wants to satisfy your hunger also. My prayer - Abba Father, Praise Thee and thank Thee for Your overwhelming LOVE and GOODNESS and GRACE. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that her life would/will/will be filled to overflowing with the Bread of Life. What she sees in abundance every day is Your deep abiding LOVE, your sweet and abounding GOODNESS and Your rich GRACE. Lord may she witness throughout her day how ALL these have been blessed by You. In Jesus Name, Amen. Satisfied,


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