Wednesday, June 30, 2021

God Thoughts for the Month of June

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, It is the last day of June 2021 and thought I would share some God Thoughts with you. I have a white board mounted on my wall which I used to use to list my "to do" items. But instead it became my God Thoughts. I use two devotionals in the morning that help me greatly in my morning quiet times. The first is "In Touch", a monthly guide published by In Touch Ministries and the second is"Jesus Always Embracing Joy in His Presence" by Sarah Young. The God Thoughts come from readings that catch my attention and draw my thirsty mornings into a closer walk with the Lord. June 3, I invite you to gaze upon My beauty and to seek Me (more and more) June 5, Time is a most valuable commodity! It is irreversible and irreplaceable. June 13, Bible is the Foundation of Encouragement June 17, Dance with Me, beloved! Follow My lead, as I guide you gracefully through this life June 28, EVERYTHING you have is a GIFT from Me, including each breath you breathe. June 29, For the Joy of the LORD is your strength. Yes, each day I need to be reminded that He still invites, His Timing is irreversible and irreplaceable, the Word encourages, He loves to dance, our very breath that we breathe is a gift from Him and my strength is found only in the Joy of the Lord. Dear and Precious ones, let us come together and pray, not only today and for each and every day of our lives - Abba Father, Thank You for our everything, for our breaths, thank you for Your invitations to gaze and dance and follow and thank You for Your Joy which is our Strength to be able to live each day. Lord, I pray that Your Presence would go before us and that we would be daily reminded of Your tender mercies for they are new every morning. May we embrace the day and take a Deep Breath You have given and just Breathe. In Jesus Name, Amen. Taking A Deep Breath,


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