Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Rock

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

The last Wednesday of 2011.

1 Cor. 2:5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the Power of God and verse 16, But who hath known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.

These two verses are the sum of what my year has been. I have had to fervently ask, aggressively seek and relentlessly knock for understanding of the why questions that I have been asked and have asked myself.

This past Monday I walked along the beach, my special beach where I would go when we first moved to the island and I would pray that my grandchildren would someday join me. This year was the year that God made it happen.

There is a rock that stands just beyond the area which usually is surrounded by water and takes the crashing of the waves, it was low tide and I have always wanted to climb the rock. And climb it I did. I looked into the water and watched it swirl around the rock and as the spray of the wave blew onto my body, I praised Him for in each circumstance and situation in my life it was "His Will be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven".

Abba Father, Hallelujah, most Sovereign Lord, Praise thee for Your most precious and blessed Promises. Oh Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she breathe in Your Sweet Fragrance and may it linger longer than it has ever before. May it fill every fiber of her being, especially her mind Lord. That she would be reminded that her Faith should stand in the Power of YOU and that she has the mind of Christ, her LORD. In Jesus Name, Amen.



Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What Child is This?

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

The knowledge that Mary must have had to ponder on was of such great magnitude that she must have been constantly amazed at her son. How special and precious He was, not only to her but to the whole world. When the shepherds came, the blessing from Simeon, the prophetess Anna, when the magi came, this was no ordinary child. These are the things that she must have had to ponder on.

We, as parents, know that we are not given a manual on how to care for properly or even how to handle our child. And even if we were given one, it would have to be the most unique manual of all, for each and every individual would have to have one which would be specifically tailored.

How wonderful is our Abba Father, that HE dwelt among men.

What child is this? Luke 1:31-33. This child born, it will take all of eternity to know HIM.

Abba Father, Gracious and Mighty God, Praise thee for Your most glorious and precious Son, who came to earth and dwelt among men, born in a manger. Lord I pray that this will not be an ordinary Christmas but rather a Christmas where the hearts and minds and souls of each precious sister-in-Christ would be filled with the JOY and HOPE and PEACE and FAITH and LOVE. May she ponder on these things and be amazed. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Pondering on HIM,

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Call

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Do you know where you were on this {insert date}? We are presented with that question for a number of reasons, and it just so happens that today is December 14th and I do remember where I was 6 years ago on this day. I was in Washington state visiting my daughter and son-in-law. They were expecting their second child and I was graciously invited to help come take care of my grandson and then to be with my daughter as she was having a C-section and the family needed a little extra help. This was the morning that the doctors had set aside for her delivery. The parents left for the hospital early while I waited at home for the call.

Now lets step back in time - all of history was waiting for the call. God had set a date for when His Son would be born. And whom did God call first - Luke 2:8-20.

Abba Father,

How priceless, how precious is Your Amazing Love. Oh most Sovereign Lord that all of the heavenly host sang that most glorious night, announcing the birth of JESUS. Holy, Holy, Holy Lord that You came to earth as a babe to save all of mankind. Lord may each precious sister-in-Christ look to this day as a day of rejoicing. Yes, rejoicing in the midst of the answered prayers, rejoicing in the midst of the waiting upon thee, and in the midst of the crisis. You called each and every one of them to be Yours, and for that reason alone is enough to rejoice. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Rejoicing for God called me,

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

A First Christmas

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

This year my middle brother and my niece, his daughter, will be celebrating their very first Christmas as babes in Christ. In February my brother asked Jesus into his heart and my niece followed a couple of months later. In sending my customary Christmas cards to all my friends and family, I wanted to especially express my Joy to them and welcome them to the family. I wrote about how wonderful this first Christmas is for the both of them for now they know why we (the children of the Living GOD) celebrate.

The world begins right after Thanksgiving with the glitz and the glitter. We begin - Luke 1:26-35.

Abba Father, Praise thee! How marvelous and how wonderful are Your Ways, how Glorious are Your thoughts. Oh Lord, as each precious and dear sister-in-Christ lives out each day may she be reminded that it is not the glitz and glitter of this world that she needs to see but rather that which is far richer than her mind can ever imagine. May she celebrate this Christmas and experience the fullness of JESUS. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Desiring Jesus Above All,