Wednesday, December 07, 2011

A First Christmas

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

This year my middle brother and my niece, his daughter, will be celebrating their very first Christmas as babes in Christ. In February my brother asked Jesus into his heart and my niece followed a couple of months later. In sending my customary Christmas cards to all my friends and family, I wanted to especially express my Joy to them and welcome them to the family. I wrote about how wonderful this first Christmas is for the both of them for now they know why we (the children of the Living GOD) celebrate.

The world begins right after Thanksgiving with the glitz and the glitter. We begin - Luke 1:26-35.

Abba Father, Praise thee! How marvelous and how wonderful are Your Ways, how Glorious are Your thoughts. Oh Lord, as each precious and dear sister-in-Christ lives out each day may she be reminded that it is not the glitz and glitter of this world that she needs to see but rather that which is far richer than her mind can ever imagine. May she celebrate this Christmas and experience the fullness of JESUS. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Desiring Jesus Above All,


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