Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What Child is This?

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

The knowledge that Mary must have had to ponder on was of such great magnitude that she must have been constantly amazed at her son. How special and precious He was, not only to her but to the whole world. When the shepherds came, the blessing from Simeon, the prophetess Anna, when the magi came, this was no ordinary child. These are the things that she must have had to ponder on.

We, as parents, know that we are not given a manual on how to care for properly or even how to handle our child. And even if we were given one, it would have to be the most unique manual of all, for each and every individual would have to have one which would be specifically tailored.

How wonderful is our Abba Father, that HE dwelt among men.

What child is this? Luke 1:31-33. This child born, it will take all of eternity to know HIM.

Abba Father, Gracious and Mighty God, Praise thee for Your most glorious and precious Son, who came to earth and dwelt among men, born in a manger. Lord I pray that this will not be an ordinary Christmas but rather a Christmas where the hearts and minds and souls of each precious sister-in-Christ would be filled with the JOY and HOPE and PEACE and FAITH and LOVE. May she ponder on these things and be amazed. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Pondering on HIM,


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