Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Call

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Do you know where you were on this {insert date}? We are presented with that question for a number of reasons, and it just so happens that today is December 14th and I do remember where I was 6 years ago on this day. I was in Washington state visiting my daughter and son-in-law. They were expecting their second child and I was graciously invited to help come take care of my grandson and then to be with my daughter as she was having a C-section and the family needed a little extra help. This was the morning that the doctors had set aside for her delivery. The parents left for the hospital early while I waited at home for the call.

Now lets step back in time - all of history was waiting for the call. God had set a date for when His Son would be born. And whom did God call first - Luke 2:8-20.

Abba Father,

How priceless, how precious is Your Amazing Love. Oh most Sovereign Lord that all of the heavenly host sang that most glorious night, announcing the birth of JESUS. Holy, Holy, Holy Lord that You came to earth as a babe to save all of mankind. Lord may each precious sister-in-Christ look to this day as a day of rejoicing. Yes, rejoicing in the midst of the answered prayers, rejoicing in the midst of the waiting upon thee, and in the midst of the crisis. You called each and every one of them to be Yours, and for that reason alone is enough to rejoice. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Rejoicing for God called me,


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