Wednesday, October 05, 2011

The Touch of God

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Last Sunday I found myself, once again, holding the hand of someone that I love. I have to admit that the reason for holding her hand was more for myself than for her. While I was visiting family on the mainland my friend had taken a turn for the worse and hospice had been called in to help. In that short of time - 10 days. In the holding of her hand I felt the Presence of God. It was something about touching her that I knew she had something that we all desperately long for - PEACE. She glowed with GOD'S PEACE. Such brilliance, the Beauty of the LORD. And while I sat there holding her hand I was the one being comforted. GOD is GOODNESS. Abba Father, our Strength in times of weakness, our Joy in times of sorrow, our Peace in times of turmoil and our Righteousness in times of Unfairness. Praise thee oh Lord that it is Your Touch that brings the LOVE. Oh LORD I pray for Your Touch today in the hearts and minds and souls of each dear and precious sister-in-Christ. May she feel it upon her heart giving her the boldness to not faint, may she feel it upon her mind giving her the full knowledge of Your thoughts and Will and may she feel it upon her soul giving her the strength to soar as the eagle in the midst of all her trials and circumstances and disappointments and hurts. In Jesus Name, Amen.


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