Wednesday, July 27, 2011

10 Years Ago

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Ten years ago I was preparing myself for the move to Hawaii. In hindsight this is how God prepared me. Our daughter, the youngest of our three children, was getting married and to help her in any way I could she found a beautiful house on a lake to stay. So for approximately three weeks I was able to be alone most evenings and they were spent in making my daughter's floor length veil for her wedding. First was sewing the satin ribbon around the netting, then came the pearl beads sewn into the netting. The house, the lake and the time spent preparing for her wedding was medicine to my soul. With each pearl bead sewn into the netting petitions and praises were being spoken. Yes, the Lord is Gentle and Kind and Good.

Abba Father, how marvelous are Your Ways, thank You for the many Ways You direct our steps. Oh, Lord only You know our hearts and know us so intimately that in the directing You reveal in the most amazing of ways Your Love and Gentleness and Kindness and Goodness. Praise thee. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today and in the days ahead that she would be renewed and to see how intricately You prepare her for the day. In Jesus Name, Amen.

I'm still preparing,


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