Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cluttered to Cleaned

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

A little known fact about me - when I have to mull over something in my mind that is troubling me - I clean. With that said, let me explain. I actually live my life with clutter. My desk is cluttered, my room is cluttered and right now my kitchen table is very cluttered. I like it that way. Life seems simpler with clutter. All is well with my world. But then something is said or done which causes me to get upset and I begin to clean. I guess it really is not the cleaning that I am after it is the distraction that comes. Yes, cleaning is a distraction! I find that I really rather like my live with a little clutter (actually a lot) then have to keep it cleaned.

Abba Father, Praise thee, oh most Sovereign Lord thank You that you make each one of us so very unique. LORD that You know our hearts when they are cluttered and when they are clean. Only You Lord are able to "Create a clean heart in me". LORD I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as she lives her life today that You would be with her in the midst of the clutter and in the clean. May You draw her unto You. May her long awaited prayers be answered in the most amazing of ways today, oh Lord, those petitions that have seemed to clutter her life those ones that she has stacked up and laid aside and not thinking that they will ever be answered. May You answer them today. In Jesus Name, Amen,

May the Lord Clean the Clutter,


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