Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The End of 21 Days

Dear sisters-in-Christ, I am posting this a little later than usual for this reason: I am not at my home, I am on the mainland staying at my oldest son's home taking care of his house and children (2 girls: age 7 soon to be 8 and the other 16 soon to be 17) until him and his wife return from a trip to an exotic island (Belize) to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary. What a way to end the 21 days of prayer and fasting that our church does each September. Just this morning they left for their trip and I am responsible for the household until next Thursday. Yes, there is a 16 soon to be 17 year old in the home, but I am ultimately responsible for their well being plus the 6 dogs, 5 cats, and 1 bird. So before departing last night my son and I were out in his backyard, he was rather quiet and I asked him if he was concerned about leaving and the decision he had made to invite me to come take care of the children. He turned to me and said, "mom, please don't lose any of the dogs", I told him that he had nothing to worry about, that I would not lose any of the dogs. With that said, upon retiring last night I prayed, Lord, You are going to have to help me with this, because I don't want to let my son down." If his only concern was that I not lose any of the dogs, what about all the other things which I thought would be of the utmost importance. Like making sure that the girls made it to all of their practices and recitals and birthday parties. I am so glad that I have a Google Maps App. Abba Father, Praise thee oh LORD, how Glorious are Your Ways! Your are an AWESOME GOD. Lord, I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that she would lay aside that which she considers of the utmost importance and cling to You Alone. Lord, reveal to her Your directions and directives for her life as she comes before Your throne of Grace. In Jesus Name, Amen.


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