Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Special Invitation

Greetings Dear and Precious sisters-in-Christ, For today's posting I would like to extend to you a special invitation to join me in my field of Possibilities, actually it is a Field of Plans and Purposes. Please come and step into this Field. The Field itself is vast, as far as the eye can see. And in this Field are benches to sit on. Tables and chairs to gather around. Blankets laying on the ground to rest. There are books to be read, music instruments to be played, paints and brushes to be used, flowers to be smelled, pens, pencils and papers galore. There are tools and microscopes and vials. The Field is so vast and the things that are within your eye sight, at first, are so overwhelming that the beauty alone is enough, but a stirring comes and you begin to draw near to your favorite place. As you approach the area, you begin to hear a Voice, this Voice is telling you that there are plans and purposes that have been designed for your future. You begin to listen, to learn, to experience. You are invited to stay as long as you want and when you leave you are given a special gift, wrapped up in a box, each box is shaped and wrapped differently. When you leave you are also told that with this gift comes My Spirit to guide and reveal all that you have heard and learned and experienced today in this field. Father Abba, How marvelous how wonderful is Your Amazing Grace, that You Reveal such wonders and display Your Majesty in the most Glorious of Ways. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ today that she would accept this gift that You have given her. It may have been given years ago or today may be the day that it was given. Whatever may be the case oh Lord, may she open the gift and begin to hear once again the promptings of the Holy Spirit revealing to her the plans and purposes You have Promised for her life. May she boldly and confidently shout, "Praise to the King of kings and Lord of lords." O Sovereign Lord, may Your tender Mercies be revealed in their hearts and minds and souls. In Jesus Name, Amen. Enjoy His Gift,


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