Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Serious Play

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

It was my first year, I was hired as a Head Start teacher, my classroom consisted of 18 children. I had a teacher's aide and a foster grandparent to assist me. I was so very nervous - why in the world did I ever think that I would be able to handle 14 children for 6 hours? The first day began, the classroom had been arranged and the schedule had been posted. The bus pulled up to the classroom door and out poured 14 little boys and girls. The first week was just us getting a routine down and getting comfortable with each other. At first I tried to stick to the curriculum which had been set up but after a couple of weeks I realized that it was not working. The children were not happy nor was my assistant. So... I decided to change ever so slightly the way I taught. I looked into the eyes of these 3 and 4 year old's and decided that what was needed was some very serious playtime. The kind of playing that brought laughter and fun and at the same time we learned very important things. Important things like prisms and gravity and colors and shapes and feelings and numbers and sharing and helping and art and beauty. My serious playtime was very hard work, trust me, coming up with ways to keep their little minds thinking and exploring was so rewarding. One of my best times was storytelling time. In order to get them to lay down for their quiet time after lunch I would tell them a story. As each child laid on their mat and quieted themselves I would begin - Once upon a time...

I love a good story, don't you? And the greatest story ever - JESUS.

Abba Father, Glorious and Magnificent GOD, Praise and Glory to thee our most Sovereign and HOLY GOD. Thank You LORD that our lives are kept by thee. That You alone order our days - that You have planned and purposed our days. Oh Lord I pray for each dearest and most precious sister-in-Christ that she would see her days as ordained by thee alone and that all of Your Tender MERCIES have been supplied. May she have joy and hope and peace. May she have some "serious play" with her day. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Once upon a time...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"Safe" to be Me

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I am in a field with arms stretched out and the palms of my hands being tickled by the tall grass, I am filled to the brim with a presence of someone and I am deeply loved. Yes, this is me when I was a small girl, who knew that there was someone higher than my parents or even my grandparents who loved me so much. I knew then that it was "safe" to be me. How about you?

Abba Father, thank You from the depths of my mind, my soul, and my body for loving me so deeply and intimately. Praise thee oh most Sovereign Lord that Your Goodness and Kindness and Gentleness is FOREVER. Lord I pray for each sister-in-Christ that she be filled to the brim with Your presence and know that she is "Safe". Lord You are our Keeper. Our keeper of ALL things great and small. I pray that she would be still with out stretched arms and hands lifted high to the One who gave it all and is Worthy of all Honor and Praise and Glory. Jesus! Jesus!! Jesus!!! Amen.

Until Next Week,

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cluttered to Cleaned

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

A little known fact about me - when I have to mull over something in my mind that is troubling me - I clean. With that said, let me explain. I actually live my life with clutter. My desk is cluttered, my room is cluttered and right now my kitchen table is very cluttered. I like it that way. Life seems simpler with clutter. All is well with my world. But then something is said or done which causes me to get upset and I begin to clean. I guess it really is not the cleaning that I am after it is the distraction that comes. Yes, cleaning is a distraction! I find that I really rather like my live with a little clutter (actually a lot) then have to keep it cleaned.

Abba Father, Praise thee, oh most Sovereign Lord thank You that you make each one of us so very unique. LORD that You know our hearts when they are cluttered and when they are clean. Only You Lord are able to "Create a clean heart in me". LORD I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as she lives her life today that You would be with her in the midst of the clutter and in the clean. May You draw her unto You. May her long awaited prayers be answered in the most amazing of ways today, oh Lord, those petitions that have seemed to clutter her life those ones that she has stacked up and laid aside and not thinking that they will ever be answered. May You answer them today. In Jesus Name, Amen,

May the Lord Clean the Clutter,

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Pleasure versus Treasure

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I have been battling these last few days on the matter of forgiving others. A couple of situations have been presented in my life which has caused me to want to rise up in my flesh and say ... (well let's just leave it at that). This morning when I awoke I said to myself - I don't feel like writing today. And instantly the Lord said, Who is doing the writing and what does feelings have to do with what I have commanded.

Forgiving others, do I continue to get the pleasure out of holding onto the word or deed done to me or another close to me?
Forgiving, do I surrender it unto the Lord and place the word or deed at the Cross and pray for them which is a treasure?

Abba Father, how Great is Your Unfailing Love, how Amazing is Your Mercy, how Marvelous is Your Joy, how Wonderful is Your Hope and how Sovereign is Your Grace. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today, that she call upon the name of Jesus Christ in each and every situation and circumstance and seek that which is of the greatest Treasure. Oh Lord, may they humbly bow before the Cross and TRUST and OBEY, for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to TRUST and OBEY. In Jesus Name, Amen.

May the Lord Richly Bless You and Keep You

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Psalm 34:1-3

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I have placed a cover onto my keyboard to protect it from any dirt or crumbs and in looking at it today there are keys that are used more often than others. I know this because the color has faded and also the padding has worn down. I guess I am due for another cover. Maybe I will look for another one today. I know that there is a lesson here somewhere. As I walk through my days I realize that sometimes I use more of one thing which causes a wearing down and/or fading. We know that all things wear out or lose their ripeness and flavor right, but does God? No, in fact it is the opposite. It's amazing how God's reality is always the opposite of my reality. My tendency is that when something becomes faded or worn out I replace it with something brand new. With God He never wears out or fades, the more we talk to Him and listen to Him and read the Word the brighter and clearer and more brilliant is He. Oh how amazing is His Love that it never changes, never ceases, never fades, and never ever wears out.

Abba Father, oh how amazing You are that when I read Your Word You reveal the most awesome of things. As it is written in Psalm 34:1-3, "I will bless the LORD at all times, his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul makes its boast in the LORD; let the humble hear and be glad. Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together!" Father, bless each sister-in-Christ today with Your Beauty and Your Gentleness, and Your Grace. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Exalting His Name