Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I Am Back

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Well, well it is that time again. I am so sorry that I missed our time together last week. I was visiting my folks who live in a small town and my precious parents still have dial-up (slow, slow, slow) but they are happy with it. It meets their needs. Which brings me to the title. Yes, I am back -- God in His infinite Wisdom and GRACE has granted me the privilege of living here on my Island (I like to tell people that it is my island that they are visiting). Yes, my parents are getting older and with that comes the aches and pains and yes, my children and grandchildren live so very far away. These are definitely the minuses in life but God is so Good and He is Sovereign. Yesterday during my morning walk He reminded me of that very fact. Looking out over the ocean as I was coming down the hill and seeing the vastness of the sea I was overwhelmed with His most Glorious and Wonderful Love. The song playing on my iPod was "Holy is the Lord". How can I ever fathom His Goodness? He has walked the ocean floor. Amazing!!

Abba Father, Great and Glorious are You, Praise thee for Your Tender Mercies!! I love thee oh Lord. I pray for each precious sister-in-Christ today that she would open her eyes and ears to see You. May the sights she sees and the sounds she hear be You reminding and revealing Your Great Love in the Most Amazing of Ways. For You are Great and greatly to be Praised. May we on bended knees and contrite hearts come before the throne of Grace and worship You alone. In Jesus Name, Amen.

I Am So In Love With HIM,


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