Wednesday, March 02, 2011

The Good News

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

My life has been filled with so much turmoil lately that I had even wondered if I wanted to hear another conversation from someone. News of hurt feelings and sickness and diseases which were non-curable to terminal. These last few weeks have been very interesting to say the least.

In going before Abba Father each morning with these prayers I began to question? And as I questioned just how to pray for each instance... He answered this morning with these words.

As I am waking up I am walking with the Lord beside me and we are passing opened doors. I see within the rooms people suffering, wars and destruction, he tells me to keep walking... As we get to the end door, it is open and I feel the peace and the light and the joy and hope. I do not have to ask - His response. "This is what is important."

Salvation, eternity in Heaven, Your name written in the Book of Life. It is a choice that we make while we still have our breath on earth. And once we make the choice to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior it does not matter our circumstances or our situations or even our prognosis. We are a child of the most AWESOME GOD who is all the GOODNESS and KINDNESS and FAITHFUL.

Abba Father, draw each of these precious sisters-in-Christ unto You in the most amazing of ways for you alone are the one who creates. The one who speaks and it is so. The one who touches and it is whole. The one who gave his only Son to die on the Cross that we would no longer be separated from You. Lord, thank You for this day which You have made. I choose to be glad and to rejoice in it. In Jesus Name, Amen.

The Good News,


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