Wednesday, March 16, 2011

He Is Sovereign

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I'm sitting here with a fresh cup of hot tea ready to spend the next few moments with all of you. I'm sure that everyone of you have been traumatized in some way or another with the sights and sounds of the devastation which occurred on 3/11/11. As I watched the events unfold on the television I was stunned to the core. I do not know how many of you read the "Left Behind Series", I did and as much as they tried to graphically portray the destruction it did not tell it all. Oh the power of our God who saves to the uttermost. He is Sovereign. He is reaching into the hearts of all those who now will have to deal with the grief and sorrow of losing everything and when He touches the heart that heart will be comforted, that heart will be blessed and that heart will be at peace.

Abba Father, Gracious and Mighty Lord, how Great is Your Power. Praise thee oh Lord that You are a marvelous and awesome God who always and in all ways takes that which was meant for evil and makes it good according to the riches in Christ Jesus. Lord You have allowed this but just like with Job You know the hearts of every soul touched by this. Lord I pray for each and every dear sister-in-Christ in Japan for a special blessing of Faith to persevere during this time. I pray for each and every dear sister-in-Christ that as the events continue to unfold that she will cling to her God knowing that He is a God who infinitely and eternally loves us no matter what! Oh Lord God, E Komo Mai, the hearts today and fill them with Your Presence to still their hearts. In Jesus Name. Amen.

He Is Sovereign


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