Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Facing the Future

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Turning on my computer, at my home page and one of the icons I have on my homepage is Reminders from God by Two Listeners. For today my devotional said, "Face the future with a brave and happy heart". Now I know that I have today, 24 hours to live it by rejoicing for it is the day the Lord has made, so I have the happy part down. Lately I have been dealing with some issues where fear has risen to the surface again in my life. Whether reading or hearing something I am more than fearful I am very scared. And the thing is I really can't put my finger on what triggers the whole fear thing. I find it pretty interesting that the devotional said "brave" and then followed by "happy" heart. Yesterday in my morning writing the Lord showed me a picture that I would like to share.

I am walking around in my mansion, staying inside for I know that I am the daughter of the King and am fearful of going outside where there are harmful things. I see the people and in knowing that I am the daughter of the King why must I ever want to leave my home. As quickly as that thought comes another follows - you must go out for there are many who need your smile, your touch, your compassion. You are my daughter and many desire to be in your presence because of who you are - for you are deeply loved by Me.

For the "brave" part - I am the daughter of the King. He tells me to go out and I must obey.

Abba Father, Glorious and Mighty GOD, whose Presence is our Greatest Desire, whose Power is Sovereign, whose Promises are Yes and Amen, whose Provision is Overflowingly Abundant, and whose Peace is beyond understanding. Praise thee. Oh most Sovereign LORD I come before your throne of Grace this morning and pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ. LORD anoint her this day and the days to follow with Your Presence and Power and Promises and Provision and Peace. Lord may she be reminded upon waking that she is the daughter of the King. Arise dear and precious sister-in-Christ for this is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it. In Jesus Name, Amen.

A Brave and Happy Heart,


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