Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New Beginnings

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Today I am in my room and I have two people here with me. I have prayed for this for quite some time but did not know just how God had it all planned and purposed. In the asking of it I wonder if God was just as excited to see the look on my face as it was revealed. Is it like when you have prepared something for a loved one and you can hardly contain yourself until you are able to give them the gift? Is that how it is?

The two people that I have in the room with me are my two grandchildren, ages 7 and 5. The oldest is James and the youngest is Emma. They live in Washington and I have not been able to travel to see them since last June. Now the part about the prayer was being able to have fun and shower them with all the love that I have been storing up for some time. My prayer was to be able to find time to travel and spend as much time with them as possible. But let me tell you how God had it planned. I am so in love with my God. His plans are so supreme and utterly amazing. THEY ARE HERE in this very room and watching me while I type waiting for me to go feed the birds and have some fun.

I have titled this new beginnings because God desires to give us new beginnings each and every day and HIS awesome and sovereign new beginnings are so much bigger and better than we can ever ask, but in Faith we still get to ask and seek and knock.

Abba Father, how awesome is Your Love. Thank you that in the midst of every prayer that we say You have a plan, thank you that in the asking You have declared and in the seeking you have revealed and in the knocking You have opened and when we Your dear sisters-in-Christ come running to You - YOU ARE THERE. Lord praise thee for Your most Holy and Pure and Righteous Kindness and Goodness and Faithfulness. I pray for new beginnings today for each and every dear sister-in-Christ as she arises today and declares that You are her Heavenly Father. In Jesus Name, Amen.

My New Beginnings have Begun,


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