Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Man Laughing

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

After Easter Sunday Services, I was talking to a dear friend. I had noticed the gentleman standing next to her as I approached. He seemed to be distracted by what was going on around him. I briefly looked at him before continuing with my conversation with my friend. She had asked me if I still owned this particular car which is what we had in common that started our friendship. I told her no that I was now an owner of a mini cooper. I continued on with saying that yes here I am 60 years old, driving a mini, using an Iphone and love my Ipad and even does FaceBook and blogs. It was then that the man started laughing. After a minute he said, I haven't laughed like that in a long time and joined in our conversation. He was not laughing at me for what I said - he was laughing because he came alive. He told me that I was still so young and that I had a lot of living to do and enjoy all of it. Now I am embracing this day that the Lord has made I will be glad and rejoice in it. A few weeks ago I told myself that I would live my life out loud (Shout to the Lord) and in living colors (His Brilliance Displayed) and now I am going to add one other - laughing (the Joy of the Lord).

Abba Father, all Praises to thee my GOD. I love thee so much. Thank you oh most Sovereign Lord for saving me, for loving me, for delighting in me, for directing my every step and for holding me. I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ today and in the many days ahead that she would be filled with the Joy of the Lord which is her strength, sing praises to thee, and boldly proclaim Your Brilliance displayed in her life. May her life be filled with all the fullness of You. In Jesus Name, Amen.

He Is Risen,


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