Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Imagination - WOW!!

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

For the past few days there has been a theme that goes around in my mind, "in my life Lord be glorified today". My daughter and her family were here for a week and I got to see just a little bit of how it used to be when the children were around. Don't get a chance to be bored or lonely. And the imagination!! WOW. And it wasn't only with the grandchildren, but also with my daughter and her husband. It was so marvelous to witness the creativity in the conversations and in the playing. Imagination how amazing to see it in action being played out in the most amazing of ways. From first light until the going down of the sun and the sky was filled with stars the hours were lived in and surrounded by "IMAGINATION". I'm so thankful for the time and for the way God revealed His Goodness, Kindness, Faithfulness, and Tender Mercies.

Abba Father, in my life Lord be glorified today. Yes Lord, how amazing You are, so much bigger then even our imaginations can fathom. Oh Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that she will walk in Your Love this day and use her imagination to see the awesome wonder of You, her heavenly Father, to open her ears and hear Your sweet Whispers, to walk in freedom, knowing that she is the daughter of the One who Creates. This is a new day filled with Your tender mercies, and just imagine what she can do with the day. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Just Imagine,


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