Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Let Us Proclaim

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

In the salutation, I say "greetings", this I can do. I call you "dear and precious", I genuinely know from scripture that you are precious but when is comes to sisters-in-Christ, I am a little stymied. I have never had a earthly sister and for those of you who do you know that special bond that is only between sisters. God must reveal that bond to me for I have no example other than what He chooses to reveal. I am able because we are "in-Christ." The love that I have for Christ is the special bond so whether we choose to or not we are sisters-in-Christ because God has chosen us and when He chooses it is for all eternity. I have been blessed with so many sisters-in-Christ and our Abba Father continues to bless. I want to thank all my sisters-in-Christ through all the years for your most dear and precious encouragement and love and understanding. May our lives continually be blessed by each other.

Abba Father, You are Sovereign and You are Supreme, thank you for fellowship so rich and pure. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that she continually and abundantly bring all before the throne of Grace and boldly proclaim that our God is Wonderful and Amazing and Beautiful and too Marvelous for Words. That we join in one voice and shout, "You are Holy oh Lord." Our desire is to know thee oh Abba and to know Your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. Lord, I also pray for Your peace and joy and hope to abide in the hearts and minds and bodies of these precious ones. In Jesus Name, Amen

Fellowshipping Together,


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