Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Man Laughing

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

After Easter Sunday Services, I was talking to a dear friend. I had noticed the gentleman standing next to her as I approached. He seemed to be distracted by what was going on around him. I briefly looked at him before continuing with my conversation with my friend. She had asked me if I still owned this particular car which is what we had in common that started our friendship. I told her no that I was now an owner of a mini cooper. I continued on with saying that yes here I am 60 years old, driving a mini, using an Iphone and love my Ipad and even does FaceBook and blogs. It was then that the man started laughing. After a minute he said, I haven't laughed like that in a long time and joined in our conversation. He was not laughing at me for what I said - he was laughing because he came alive. He told me that I was still so young and that I had a lot of living to do and enjoy all of it. Now I am embracing this day that the Lord has made I will be glad and rejoice in it. A few weeks ago I told myself that I would live my life out loud (Shout to the Lord) and in living colors (His Brilliance Displayed) and now I am going to add one other - laughing (the Joy of the Lord).

Abba Father, all Praises to thee my GOD. I love thee so much. Thank you oh most Sovereign Lord for saving me, for loving me, for delighting in me, for directing my every step and for holding me. I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ today and in the many days ahead that she would be filled with the Joy of the Lord which is her strength, sing praises to thee, and boldly proclaim Your Brilliance displayed in her life. May her life be filled with all the fullness of You. In Jesus Name, Amen.

He Is Risen,

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Imagination - WOW!!

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

For the past few days there has been a theme that goes around in my mind, "in my life Lord be glorified today". My daughter and her family were here for a week and I got to see just a little bit of how it used to be when the children were around. Don't get a chance to be bored or lonely. And the imagination!! WOW. And it wasn't only with the grandchildren, but also with my daughter and her husband. It was so marvelous to witness the creativity in the conversations and in the playing. Imagination how amazing to see it in action being played out in the most amazing of ways. From first light until the going down of the sun and the sky was filled with stars the hours were lived in and surrounded by "IMAGINATION". I'm so thankful for the time and for the way God revealed His Goodness, Kindness, Faithfulness, and Tender Mercies.

Abba Father, in my life Lord be glorified today. Yes Lord, how amazing You are, so much bigger then even our imaginations can fathom. Oh Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that she will walk in Your Love this day and use her imagination to see the awesome wonder of You, her heavenly Father, to open her ears and hear Your sweet Whispers, to walk in freedom, knowing that she is the daughter of the One who Creates. This is a new day filled with Your tender mercies, and just imagine what she can do with the day. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Just Imagine,

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New Beginnings

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Today I am in my room and I have two people here with me. I have prayed for this for quite some time but did not know just how God had it all planned and purposed. In the asking of it I wonder if God was just as excited to see the look on my face as it was revealed. Is it like when you have prepared something for a loved one and you can hardly contain yourself until you are able to give them the gift? Is that how it is?

The two people that I have in the room with me are my two grandchildren, ages 7 and 5. The oldest is James and the youngest is Emma. They live in Washington and I have not been able to travel to see them since last June. Now the part about the prayer was being able to have fun and shower them with all the love that I have been storing up for some time. My prayer was to be able to find time to travel and spend as much time with them as possible. But let me tell you how God had it planned. I am so in love with my God. His plans are so supreme and utterly amazing. THEY ARE HERE in this very room and watching me while I type waiting for me to go feed the birds and have some fun.

I have titled this new beginnings because God desires to give us new beginnings each and every day and HIS awesome and sovereign new beginnings are so much bigger and better than we can ever ask, but in Faith we still get to ask and seek and knock.

Abba Father, how awesome is Your Love. Thank you that in the midst of every prayer that we say You have a plan, thank you that in the asking You have declared and in the seeking you have revealed and in the knocking You have opened and when we Your dear sisters-in-Christ come running to You - YOU ARE THERE. Lord praise thee for Your most Holy and Pure and Righteous Kindness and Goodness and Faithfulness. I pray for new beginnings today for each and every dear sister-in-Christ as she arises today and declares that You are her Heavenly Father. In Jesus Name, Amen.

My New Beginnings have Begun,

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Facing the Future

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Turning on my computer, at my home page and one of the icons I have on my homepage is Reminders from God by Two Listeners. For today my devotional said, "Face the future with a brave and happy heart". Now I know that I have today, 24 hours to live it by rejoicing for it is the day the Lord has made, so I have the happy part down. Lately I have been dealing with some issues where fear has risen to the surface again in my life. Whether reading or hearing something I am more than fearful I am very scared. And the thing is I really can't put my finger on what triggers the whole fear thing. I find it pretty interesting that the devotional said "brave" and then followed by "happy" heart. Yesterday in my morning writing the Lord showed me a picture that I would like to share.

I am walking around in my mansion, staying inside for I know that I am the daughter of the King and am fearful of going outside where there are harmful things. I see the people and in knowing that I am the daughter of the King why must I ever want to leave my home. As quickly as that thought comes another follows - you must go out for there are many who need your smile, your touch, your compassion. You are my daughter and many desire to be in your presence because of who you are - for you are deeply loved by Me.

For the "brave" part - I am the daughter of the King. He tells me to go out and I must obey.

Abba Father, Glorious and Mighty GOD, whose Presence is our Greatest Desire, whose Power is Sovereign, whose Promises are Yes and Amen, whose Provision is Overflowingly Abundant, and whose Peace is beyond understanding. Praise thee. Oh most Sovereign LORD I come before your throne of Grace this morning and pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ. LORD anoint her this day and the days to follow with Your Presence and Power and Promises and Provision and Peace. Lord may she be reminded upon waking that she is the daughter of the King. Arise dear and precious sister-in-Christ for this is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it. In Jesus Name, Amen.

A Brave and Happy Heart,