Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Blessed Christmas

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I sense that this Christmas will be like none other - a time to take in the sights and the sounds and remember my reason for seeking the child. A child that was born in Bethlehem thousands of years ago. A child whose birth was announced by angels. I will once again join in the celebration of His birth by singing the hymns and hearing the message but I want more than that. I want the angelic host to once again announce it from the heavens, I want the passion of the shepherds as they ran to find the child, I want the Joy that was in Mary and Joseph's hearts at the birth of this child, and "I want to treasure all these things in my heart and meditate on them."

Abba Father, Praise thee my GOD, who reigns eternal. Praise thee for Your Greatness, Praise thee for Your Faithfulness. Lord I come before Your throne of Grace asking that Your Mercy come down this day that it would be poured over us in abundance. I pray that each dear sister-in-Christ be filled with Your Blessings of Peace that passes all understanding, with Your Word which heals be spoken over their bodies and minds, and an anointing of Your Spirit that rises up in the depths of their souls which ignites a Holy passion for thee. In Jesus Name, Amen.

May each of you have a Blessed Christmas


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