Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2010 - A Year of Changes

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

This year was a year of changes for me - I moved from one house to another, I exchanged two cars for another, I changed my dietary lifestyle, and I changed how I look at life. Last night and the night before I was at the hospital sitting on the bed of a dear and precious sister-in-Christ who was facing surgery to remove a blockage in her colon which was 98% cancerous. The night before last she lay there with the knowledge that surgery was scheduled for the next morning. And she was at complete peace. A peace which passes all understanding. Last night after the surgery she still was at peace, the whole room was filled with peace. As she shared her reason for such peace it was then that I realized that my life is so very changeable. For my friend she was living her life just a few days before unaware of what was going on in her body and then here she was in the hospital facing her own changes. My life is so fragile but I know and serve the same LORD that my dear and precious sister-in-Christ serves and with that knowing I too have the peace which passes all understanding and in the midst of these changes I am at peace, that Peace of God which passes all understanding.

Abba Father, Praise You for all the changes that You alone have woven into our lives. Oh, most Sovereign Lord as I ponder on the things of God may I be still and not fear what is changeable in my life. You never change and You will never leave nor forsake me. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that the changes in her life which You have allowed and which You have planned and purposed bring her closer to the knowledge that You are sovereign and You are her Lord who never changes. Lord I pray for Your abiding Peace to overwhelm her during these last few days of 2010. We give you all the Glory and Praise. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Praying the blessings of our Lord to be upon each one of you,


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