Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Special Moments - Hearing His Whispers

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I invite you today to join me as I remember a special day - I'm in my living room looking out at the freshly fallen snow in my back yard. It was not the only day that it had been falling but this day my breath was taken away at the beauty of it. The way the snow blanketed all the branches and ground, creating a ocean of white and how magnificently and beautifully it glistened. It was then that I decided that it needed something else... going to the closet and grabbing my coat and boots out the back door I went. Carefully stepping outside, I found a special place and laying down in the snow, made my first snow angel. I laid down in the snow for a few more moments thanking the Lord for this moment. Yes, it was a moment that was spent with Him.

Abba Father, thank You for the special Moments that You arrange for us. Just You and me. It can be anywhere and anytime. Praise thee oh Lord, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today as she walks through each moment of her life. I pray that the moments will be Special Moments set aside by thee to bring her Your Joy and Your hope and Your Peace and Your Love. A Special Moment when time is still and she hears Your sweet and precious Whispers. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Hearing His Whispers,


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