Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2010 - A Year of Changes

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

This year was a year of changes for me - I moved from one house to another, I exchanged two cars for another, I changed my dietary lifestyle, and I changed how I look at life. Last night and the night before I was at the hospital sitting on the bed of a dear and precious sister-in-Christ who was facing surgery to remove a blockage in her colon which was 98% cancerous. The night before last she lay there with the knowledge that surgery was scheduled for the next morning. And she was at complete peace. A peace which passes all understanding. Last night after the surgery she still was at peace, the whole room was filled with peace. As she shared her reason for such peace it was then that I realized that my life is so very changeable. For my friend she was living her life just a few days before unaware of what was going on in her body and then here she was in the hospital facing her own changes. My life is so fragile but I know and serve the same LORD that my dear and precious sister-in-Christ serves and with that knowing I too have the peace which passes all understanding and in the midst of these changes I am at peace, that Peace of God which passes all understanding.

Abba Father, Praise You for all the changes that You alone have woven into our lives. Oh, most Sovereign Lord as I ponder on the things of God may I be still and not fear what is changeable in my life. You never change and You will never leave nor forsake me. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that the changes in her life which You have allowed and which You have planned and purposed bring her closer to the knowledge that You are sovereign and You are her Lord who never changes. Lord I pray for Your abiding Peace to overwhelm her during these last few days of 2010. We give you all the Glory and Praise. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Praying the blessings of our Lord to be upon each one of you,

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Blessed Christmas

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I sense that this Christmas will be like none other - a time to take in the sights and the sounds and remember my reason for seeking the child. A child that was born in Bethlehem thousands of years ago. A child whose birth was announced by angels. I will once again join in the celebration of His birth by singing the hymns and hearing the message but I want more than that. I want the angelic host to once again announce it from the heavens, I want the passion of the shepherds as they ran to find the child, I want the Joy that was in Mary and Joseph's hearts at the birth of this child, and "I want to treasure all these things in my heart and meditate on them."

Abba Father, Praise thee my GOD, who reigns eternal. Praise thee for Your Greatness, Praise thee for Your Faithfulness. Lord I come before Your throne of Grace asking that Your Mercy come down this day that it would be poured over us in abundance. I pray that each dear sister-in-Christ be filled with Your Blessings of Peace that passes all understanding, with Your Word which heals be spoken over their bodies and minds, and an anointing of Your Spirit that rises up in the depths of their souls which ignites a Holy passion for thee. In Jesus Name, Amen.

May each of you have a Blessed Christmas

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wonderfully Weird

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I am "wonderfully weird" as my son-in-law tells me. And I like being that way. God is wonderful and He made me. The definition in the dictionary of weird is, "of strange or extraordinary character", yes this is me. I'm thinking not so much the strange but the extraordinary character, I'm sure there are some who would disagree. And each of us as sisters-in-Christ are unique. We are wonderfully made by God, the Sovereign LORD of all, who created everything. And placed the sun and moon and stars in the sky. And each one of us have extraordinary character. For we have the characteristics of our Heavenly Father. As I read of the characters in the Bible every one of them without exception are "wonderfully weird". Isn't God marvelous that He loves us and created us for such a time as this. This season when the world tries to deafen the worshipful choruses we are the ones lifting holy hands to the King of kings and Lord of lords.

Abba Father, How wonderful thou art, Praise thee for Your Kindness and Goodness. Alleluia to the GOD who reigns eternal. I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day and this week that she sing Your praises with holy hands lifted high and join with the heavenly choir in worshipping the King of kings and Lord of lords, the one who came to earth to save that which was lost. The one who died on the cross for our sins and rose again. I pray that she see how "wonderfully weird" you have made her and rejoice in the truth that she is LOVED deeply and intimately by You. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Hands Lifted High,

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Special Moments - Hearing His Whispers

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I invite you today to join me as I remember a special day - I'm in my living room looking out at the freshly fallen snow in my back yard. It was not the only day that it had been falling but this day my breath was taken away at the beauty of it. The way the snow blanketed all the branches and ground, creating a ocean of white and how magnificently and beautifully it glistened. It was then that I decided that it needed something else... going to the closet and grabbing my coat and boots out the back door I went. Carefully stepping outside, I found a special place and laying down in the snow, made my first snow angel. I laid down in the snow for a few more moments thanking the Lord for this moment. Yes, it was a moment that was spent with Him.

Abba Father, thank You for the special Moments that You arrange for us. Just You and me. It can be anywhere and anytime. Praise thee oh Lord, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today as she walks through each moment of her life. I pray that the moments will be Special Moments set aside by thee to bring her Your Joy and Your hope and Your Peace and Your Love. A Special Moment when time is still and she hears Your sweet and precious Whispers. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Hearing His Whispers,

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

My Favorite Month - December

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Wow, it is December!! I love December, really, really I do. Today is December 1st, and it is a Wednesday what can be better than that - I'm celebrating the first day of my favorite month, my birthday month with you precious sisters-in-Christ. December is my physical birthday and my spiritual birthday the later being the whole reason I love the month of December. This year I will be 60 years old. Now for some of you still in your 20's, 30's, 40's and even 50's you are probably thinking that if you reach 60 you will be too old to do anything. And physically that may seem to be the case but spiritually is what matters. And I'm trusting and believing what God promises me.

2 Corinthians 5:17 says, Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. Our LORD, the creator of all things, the Sovereign God, has said it and He never lies and never changes.

Abba Father, Alleluia, Hallelujah, you are too wonderful for comprehension. I'm so in love with you my Abba Father, Praise thee.
I come before Your Most Holy and Righteous Throne of Grace and Humbly Bow in Adoration. Praise to thee. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ, may she be embraced by thee, may she feel Your Almighty Arms surrounding her, may she know Your Love. Oh most Sovereign Lord, may we lift our hands and our heads and our hearts in worship to thee our Abba Father.
