Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Family of Talkers

Greetings dear sisters-in-Christ,

Two incidents happened this week that reminded me of something about growing up in my family. The first was on Sunday, while snorkeling and kayaking across our Kealakekua Bay, there were dolphins and whales. You could here them making noises (communicating). As we snorkeled across the bay the sounds of whales singing could be heard from just below the surface. If you placed your head into the water and remained still you could hear them the best.

The second occurred on Tuesday night while shopping at Costco. I heard a woman talking and an toddler babbling. At first I thought she was on the phone but when I turned to check it out - there she was talking to her toddler. He was pointing at things and she was telling him about this or that. They were deep in conversation. And that reminded me of growing up in my family.

Our family are talkers. Whenever we all get together the conversations flow freely. But I still sometimes just find a comfortable chair, sit back, remain still and just listen. That is the same way I want to be with hearing God's voice. He is talking and today I want to hear Him speaking.

Abba Father, thank You that You Speak to us. Oh Lord, that You delight in Us. Abba, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she hears You speaking, that she hears You singing, that she hears Your sweet whispers telling her that she is LOVED. May she desire no other Love than Yours Abba and walk confidently and boldly in the knowledge that her LORD is Sovereign. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Do You Hear?


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