Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Amazed! Utterly Amazed!!

Greetings to my dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

How utterly amazing God is. I am in awe of Him all the time. I see something and off my mind wonders as to just how in the world He ever came up with that idea. This Christmas I am in awe. Yesterday someone came into our office who was holding his little boy (about 16 mths) in his arms, as soon as they came in the little boy reached out his arms to me so I took him into my arms and off we went to see all the Christmas decorations. We had the small tree with lights glistening, the stockings hung from the beam and the cards hanging from the ribbon on the wall. As I watched the little boy's face light up with each thing we looked at, I realized that this Christmas I want to be in awe of it all. As I see the Christmas lights, may I be in awe of the truth that Jesus is the Light of the World, as I hear the chorals singing may I be in awe of the truth that my God sings over me. As I witness the telling of the Christmas story may I be in awe of the truth that Jesus came down to Earth to save me.

Abba Father, Praise thee, I stand, I stand in awe of You. Oh most Sovereign Lord, I pray that each dear sister-in-Christ would be amazed this Christmas, utterly amazed!! Such Peace, such Hope, such Joy that fills each heart. Oh Lord, as she looks around at the glitter may she see the Glory, as she hears the sounds of singing may she hear Your song and as she ponders these things in her heart may Your Truth of who You are be magnified in her life. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Hymn: What Child Is This?

Merry Christmas


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