Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I'm Casting My Burden - Psalm 55:22

Greetings from your sister-in-Christ,

Last night a verse jumped off of the page of my night time devotional - Psalm 55:22. The new year and a new challenge.

"Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved."

Isn't our God so amazing!!

This is a truth, He said it and It is So. Just as He spoke in days past He still speaks - am I willing to hear and comprehend. I must cast my burden on the Lord, that burden of (whatever it is today) and He shall sustain. Not only will He sustain but just as the three who were thrown into the fiery furnace and not even the smell of smoke was on them - this is the same for us. He shall NEVER PERMIT. I have no idea how this is possible I just know that God said it and I will trust in the great I AM.

Abba Father, most Sovereign Lord, who Reigns on High. Praise thee this day with hands lifted high and hearts bowed low in humble adoration. Thank you oh LORD that you sustain each and every precious sister-in-Christ. Oh Lord may you open their hearts and minds and ears to know and understand and see and hear that this burden they have carried for so long need not be. You desire to sustain them and by their act of obedience of casting onto You then You promise to NEVER PERMIT them to be moved. In Jesus Name, Amen.

I'm casting my burden,


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